Pretty Girl

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Again, I didn't forget about you guys. I don't know why y'all be thinking that🙄. I could never forget about y'all😏.

Y/N's Pov

Right about when Natasha is about to take my shirt off, I get a wave of nausea. I hurry up and run into her kitchen towards the trash can. When I get there, I immediately throw up. I throw up for quite a while when I feel a hand rub up and down on my back and that raspy voice.

Natasha: Let it out. Let it out.

I indeed do let it out. To save your guys' appetite, I won't describe how it looked. Just know I threw up for about five minutes.

Once I'm finally done throwing up, I collapse on the floor with my back against the cabinets. Natasha leaves my side and comes back with a paper towel and some water. She wipes the throw up off of my mouth.

Natasha: *teasing tone* You know, you could've told me my breath stank instead of throwing up. That really hurt my feelings.

I shake my head and laugh at her antics. Ouch. I need to stop shaking my head.

Y/N: Trust me, your breath didn't stink.

Natasha: I know, I'm just kidding. Here, drink some water.

I lightly shake my head to avoid it hurting anymore than it already is.

Natasha: Don't shake your head at me, Y/N. It'll help you feel better.

She's such a demanding person. Finally, I give in when I think of an idea.

Y/N: Can I drink it through a straw?

She makes a "really" face before getting up to get a straw. Once she gets back, she puts the straw into the bottle and holds it out.

Natasha: Is this better?

I laugh and nod my head before taking tiny sips. After drinking as much as I can, I give her the water bottle back.

Natasha: Come on, let's get you on the couch.

Y/N: I can't get up.

Natasha: I was going to help you, dipshit.

Y/N: Oh. Hey! That's rude! I don't call you names like that.

She laughs at me and tries to help me up. Keyword: TRIES

Natasha: Y/N, I can't help you if you don't help me.

Y/N: You're calling me fat gain and give me a second.

Natasha: I'm not calling you fat but whatever.

I just laugh at her before helping her help me off the floor. Once I finally get up, I lean on the counter for support.

Natasha: How about we get you to the couch, so you can rest while I clean up your mess?

Y/N: Yeah, that would be great.

She smiles at me before wrapping her arms around my waist and torso. I wrap mine around her shoulders as we walk slowly but surely back into the living room. Once we get to the couch, she gently lays me down.

Natasha: Ok, I'm going to clean up your mess and take out the trash. Lay here and don't move.

Y/N: Wait! Give me a kiss first!

Natasha: What? No, I'm not giving you a kiss.

Y/N: Why not?

Natasha: You just threw up?

Y/N: Pleaaasssseee!

As I'm trying desperately to get a kiss from her, I'm giving her my best puppy dog eyes. She just stares at me before rolling her eyes and huffing.

Professor Romanoff's Athlete (Natasha Romanoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now