2. Her

794 13 0

Max's pov--->

I woke up at noon, regretting life as we know it. I made sure to lock my door. Thank god for locks, if I didn't have a lock then I don't know what would have happened.

I get up and stretch my back grabbing my phone. I notice the date which was august 11th. I have only a week till school starts. Fucking great.

I get up dressing myself in clothing that'll hide everything but my face. Luckily my 'wanna be parents' are at work right now so I can go downstairs.

I open the fridge to it being empty like always. I sigh and close it, another day without eating. I grab the trash bag and throw away the beer cans along with the spoons my mother uses to shoot up.

After, I put on my warn out shoes on and head out to steal some food. I usually hit up all the stores around town, each in different ways. After I steal from one store I stop for about a week then head to the next.

I head to the doughnut store, sitting behind the building.

"hey max" Chip says walking up with a box.

"Do I need to pay" I grab the box and look up at him. He shook his head and tapped my arm.

"I tell you each time they are free" I roll my eyes by his actions and open the box.

"want one?" I turned the box to him so he could choose one if he wanted one. He looked at me with a 'are you dumb' face. I shrugged and shoved one in my mouth.

"did they do it again" he bent down examining my face with the bruises. I nod as he sighs.

"I'm telling you call the police on them, they can't keep doing that its been going on for to long" Chip reminds me. I finish the doughnut then speak.

"I can't. You know that chip" I wiped my nose, soon regretting it.

"Okay, next week same time as always." He sounds upset but it always gets this way when we talk about it. "And stop calling me chip you know my name is Cameron" I glare at him.

"Cameron is such a white boy name, so I call you chip, chippy, or chocolate chip. Which one you wanna be called" I nudged his shoulder as he laughed.

"Chip is fine" he walked back inside as I slid the doughnuts carefully into my bag I carry around. That'll be my food for the rest of the week.

Once I got home I took my bag off my shoulder. I ran upstairs dragging my secret box of food I have under my bed in the back that was almost empty, and place the doughnuts safely inside.

I pushed it back under, dusting myself off when I get up. I grab my empty bag and grab a bottle of water that sat in my side table shoving it in there along with my laptop.

How did I afford a laptop?

I stole money from my dad that he forgot about. Its always, steal, steal, steal, steal and lie, lie, lie, to survive. I grab the house keys and lock the door when I got out.

I walked with my head down to the library when I heard a faint shout from a car.

"That's her! I'm telling you" I can't see the person who's driving but I can see the passenger with his window half way down. His hair was red. That's all I was able to see until I turned back.

Billie's pov--->

I grab my keys as me and finneas are going to try to go get some equipment for his studio.

"I think you're going to like it" Finneas tells me with a big fat goofy smile across his face. I shook my head and continued driving.

"its hot in this fucking car damn" I tell him.

"bil its not that hot in here" he sounded annoyed at me but clicked the button that made the windows come down.

The light turned red once we got there and I notice a familiar jacket. I squint my eyes looking at the person.

"what are you doing" finneas watches me look at the person.

"Finneas, it's her" I tell him tapping the steering wheel.

"It's probably not, there is a one in a million chance that's the girl you were talking about last week." I glare at him.

"that's her! Im telling you!" I yelled at him. I notice she looked back at us, whoops. I watch her until she turns back and the light goes to green.

"You're blushing" finneas points out. I drop my face back into the resting one.

"No I'm not your seeing shit"

Max's pov--->

I close the door gently as I look around the library. I took a seat at a empty table and take my hood down. I pulled my beanie further down a little bit more though and login to my laptop.

"Hey max, do you need another book" river walked up to me with books in her hands.

"no thanks, im just going to look for something on my laptop today" She nods. I come here a lot so that's how she knows my name and I know hers. She's like the assistant librarian and I can't lie but I think she likes me.

I'm not looking for any relationships at the moment and don't plan to.

She comes back a few minutes later with her laptop in hands. "Can I sit with you" She looks at the chair that I have my feet on.

"yeah sure" I take my feet off and sit up straight looking back at my laptop. I catch her taking some glances at me every few moments.

I finally find a job I could get to keep me out of the hell house.

"do you have a piece of paper" I look up at river who looks up immediately.

"uh um yeah I do" she nervously says. She sticks it out and I brush her hand with mine slightly on purpose to see her reaction. As I expected her face pokes out a blush. I laugh silently and write some things down.

"thanks river" I close my laptop and bring my bag up to the table putting it in the bag. "see ya later girly" I tell her and pull my hood back over.

"see ya later" She smiles and I give her a slight wave walking out.

I unfold the paper and pull my phone out dialing the number.

I got the interview and slightly smiled as I pulled the phone away from my face. I plan on not going back to the house for the rest of the week which means ill have to stay at either rivers house or chips. They are actually my...only friends.

Once I get to the hell hole I see my mom's car in the drive way. I make my way to the side of the house climbing up to my window and sneaking inside.

I make sure im quiet as possible packing the little of clothes I have and dumping my food into a pocket. I finish my own room raid and open the window. I turn around to see my skate board. I sigh and grab it climbing back down and running off.


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