S2~12: Uesugi Harmony

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"Don't tell me that little fureball is also a Sacred Treasure, as well!" Masakage shouted.

Nobuharu pushed the young werewolf by his back, telling him to keep it down.

"If you really wish to know, then you must simply ask." The fureball nobly spoke.

"Who are you?" Shingen asked.

"I am Estelle, the Sacred Treasure of Stacia that has been given to the Uesugi clan by Himemiko-sama."

"The Sacred Treasure of Stacia? As in... the Goddess of Creation?" Masanobu asked, blinking in surprise.

"You may have the brawns, but at least some of you have brains." Estelle sneered, eyeing them in a bored way.

"What was that?!" Masakage growled.

Nobuharu grabbed Masakage by the head and bent him forward.

Estelle gently narrowed her olive green eyes. "If you are looking for Himemiko-sama, you would need to gather all seven of us." She then shifted her gaze to the sleeping beauty. "Then again, I have a feeling Hime-sama didn't want to be held hostage."

"Hostage? We saved her from the Uesugi Army." Masatoyo corrected.

"Well, we just have to wait until she wakes up."

"Hey, is it true that you're a relic to the real Goddesses of Shinga?" Shingen asked, curious about the Sacred Treasures' real identities.

"..." Estelle gave the werewolf the silent treatment.

"You're saying you don't intend to answer, huh..." Shingen smiled. "Oh well. - We'll know once we ask Fei."

'Fei has been awakened?' Estelle thought, narrowing her eyes dangerously. She didn't understand the meaning of the commander's words and was perplexed, but she didn't falter her gaze.

After that, the two had a staring contest before Shingen bursted out laughing.

"Hahahaha! You didn't even attacked. You're a pretty gutsy Sacred Treasure." He commented.

"Come to think of it, where is Fei?" Nobuharu wondered. He hadn't seen the dog Faery all day. Normally, she would greet them and talked about random stuff to them for hours.

Shingen had a mischievous smile. "Right now, I was just playing around. I had no intentions of using your power. Even Runa's. I'm just using her for the sake of drawing out Kenshin's serious side." He explained.

"Hmm... So you're using her to do what you want. How selfish of you." Estelle mocked, crossing her arms in a disappointing manner.

Shingen and the others were taken aback by the Faery's words.

"How dare you say that to Shingen-sama!" Masakage glared at the Faery in anger.

But Estelle merely brushed off the heavy atmosphere. "It would save you, and everyone, a lot of trouble to just use me to win your fight."

"No." Shingen flat-out refused. "My confrontation with Kenshin is to be settled by my own power. Even if I borrow and win with your power, there's no meaning at all!" He said with pride.

Estelle was surprised at how prideful the supreme commander was. He was serious about fighting his main rival. She smiled and bowed her head slightly. "I take it back. I apologise for realising how much you want this."

Shingen chuckled and ruffled her fur. "It's fine. And I should be apologising for jumping to conclusions. I will ask what Runa was doing with the Uesugi."

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