S2~09: Ominous Developments

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"Huh?" Runa saw nothing but darkness. She felt like her body was floating in water. Air. Or something. "Where are Nii-chan and Twyla?" She wondered, staring into nothing.

Then the darkness faded as a scene played out before the raven-haired beauty's eyes. Everything looked grey - no colours or life. It was like the girl was watching an old film that's been broken and was stuck on repeat.

Runa saw herself sitting on a futon in a traditional Japanese-styled room, covered in bandages. Her door was open, letting her see everything from the inside as her body was unable to move. Her eyes were covered by bandages, her face was blank, empty and filled with sadness, yet, with a hint of anger when she saw some maids staring at her from a distance.

"Oh, this again?" Runa stared at the scene with a dead blank expression. "It's been so long since I had this dream." She mumbled.

"I'm amazed she has the gall to still be alive." One of the elderly maids commented, whispering to the others, as she, and the others glanced into the room to see Runa staring down at her bandaged hands with a dead expression.

"Yeah, after killing so many people." One of the younger maids added.

"Haven't you heard?" The youthful maid asked. "If you're attacked by the ***, you get a big payout just by getting injured."

Runa heard the comment and slowly turned her head towards them.

"They call it 'Universal Phenomenon Compensation'."

"Doesn't that come out of the tax *** and *** pay?" The younger maid questioned, glancing at Runa with disgust. "No wonder she's doing so well after almost dying. What a waste of our tax money."

"I know, right?" The older maid sneered, laughing with the others before walking down the hall.

Runa weakly glared at them as some tears slided down her cheeks.


After that...

Runa saw her in a different room, only this time, she was sitting on a hospital bed and was attached to an IV bag, and a heart monitor. The sound of the heart monitor beeping echoed the room as Runa glanced at her door to see papers had been glued to it with the words 'Murderer!', or 'Thief!', or 'Only you survived!' But the one that hurted her the most was the paper that had the word 'Monster!' written all over it.

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