*BONUS (Shiall content)

37 1 0

Niall and Shawn Mendes are just best buds.

-3rd person-

  Shawn sat on his couch with his head resting in his hands. He had just posted on his Instagram story letting fans know he is cancelling another show due to his mental health. The phone laid tauntingly on the coffee table before him. Tears brimmed his eyes as he forced deep breaths. 

  His phone began to buzz against the wood table. He raised his tired gaze to the screen. It was an incoming video chat from his best friend, Niall. 

  Shawn was sure that Niall had seen his story and wanted to talk about it. He leaned back on the couch and stared at the phone. The screen went black after a minute and illuminated again to display a notification. 

  He felt his heart sink in guilt for ignoring Niall. Intrusive thoughts made him worry to the point of feeling sick in his stomach. 

  Giving in, Shawn grabbed his phone and viewed the message from Niall. 

Nialler: I know you're there Shane, answer me

  Shawn's heart felt lighter after reading the text. Knowing his friend was there for him made Shawn feel better, but not enough to talk about it yet. Before Shawn could think of a response, another message popped up. 

Nialler: Go make some tea and leave your door unlocked

  His face contorted into a confused expression. With a deep breath, Shawn stood up and stretched. He looked out a nearby window at the setting sun. After a silent moment, he complied with Niall's orders. 

  He walked to the kitchen and began making the tea.  A half hour later, he heard the front floor open. Cautious steps led him to peak around the corner. Shawn saw Niall balancing a box in one hand and a tray of cookies on the other. 

 "You can't leave me on read now." Niall joked as he slipped his shoes off. 

  Shawn approached Niall to ask about his intentions. His words were interrupted by the monopoly box being handed to him. Shawn stared after him while he walked towards the kitchen, cookies in hand. 

  Niall confidently walked down the hall with Shawn trailing behind. 

. . . 

   In conclusion, they spent the rest of the night playing monopoly and forgetting any worries from before. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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