EIGHT, workplace policy on dating

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Many places of employment have specific guidelines, rules, or even prohibitions regarding workplace relationships. Before you take things to the next level, it's important to know whether your boss will allow it, as you don't want to risk one or both of you losing your job.


"Thank you so much, Pantalone."

"It was my pleasure, y/n. And if you ever need help buying anything again. Please come and get me. It makes tallying up the fatui's bills way easier."

"Of course."

Pantalone looked off to the side ever so discreetly. Truth be told, he noticed Capitano and that damned tea shop owner long ago.

Ignoring his own problem for a moment, he decided to help his fellow harbinger with his ... love life.

"Before you go y/n, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course!"

"Capitano. What do you think of him?"

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