ONE, determine if your subordinate is single

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Before you ever approach your subordinate about going on a date, you should ensure that he or she is actually single. This can save you a lot of time and embarrassment, and it can help keep your working relationship unaffected.


How to go about this, Capitano thought in slight wonder.

He didn't want to straight up and ask if he was seeing anyone, but he didn't want to not ask him and then find himself in an embarrassing situation.

Believe it or not, Capitano tends to freeze up in embarrassing moments like those. Most think he is being calm and collected, but in reality he is just panicking on the inside like any other sensible human being.

I think I got an idea.


Today was actually a special training day for the Fatui. Many would find themselves pairing off and going to another harbinger in order to learn something new.

This would be Capitano's chance!



The second in command had looked over with a curious gaze. A large box of training equipment was situated within his grasp.

He had a lean figure. Not to muscular, but not thin either.

Stop checking him out damnit!

"The special training exercises today..."

"Ah! Those? What about them?"

"Will you be accompanying anyone?"

"Mmm, no .. I had some friends to go with, but they already have partners," he answered with a sigh, "must be nice having a special someone, am I right?"

"You .. don't have a special someone," Capitano asked while being sure to be careful with his words. He didn't want to make Y/n suspicious after all. The second in command was deadly smart. Cunning.

In other words, on could say he was playing chess while everyone else was playing checkers.

"No, no. I'm too busy for things like that."

Too busy?

Does that mean if he wasn't busy, then he would be able to date who he wants?

Does he already have someone in mind?

Capitano decided not to ask.

"Well, if you aren't going or not planning to go, then keep in mind that the files I mentioned last week still need to be delivered to Pierro."

"Of course! I didn't want to go anyway! So don't worry, those files will be delivered by the end of the day."

Capitano, nodding to Y/n, turned on his heel to leave.

A part of him holding a slight regret of not asking to go with y/n to the training exercises.

Not that it would be useful or anything, but because he would be able to spend some more time with y/n.

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