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ꕺ「this definitely wasn't in the plan, was it?」ꕺ_______________________________♡

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this definitely wasn't in the plan, was it?



Blood curdling screams, she felt happy to hear those, well, happy to hear those that come from her father. Others would laugh like maniacs but her? The female looked at him with cold eyes as her father bled, slightly choking on his blood.

"Y'know you made my little brother that actually cared for me, hate me" she circled around him while he looked at her in a cautious way "to them, I was the one who killed mom, I didn't do shit but here you are, unharmed since I was the reason of mothers death wasn't i? But I thought, why not be named as the one that killed her father while I'm at it!"
The woman soon shot at the floor, next to the man as he trembled "its kinda boring to wait till you bleed out, let's just do it now instead, wouldn't you like that!" She grinned at her father.

Her father never liked that grin and now it most definitely doesn't raise his perspective of the grin but only lessens it "your brothers will come here and kill you themselves" the man exclaimed just as she was about to shoot him but the girl couldn't help but laugh. "Them? Brothers? I've only been their shadow, I only slightly existed to Rindou. Rindou would be with me if it wasn't for the manipulative antics of ran, the antics you forced him to have" she soon started to take her anger on the older man.
"Ran was always the favorite, he was the star child and rindou only wanted to be noticed by you. And so he started to try being like ran and guess what? Ran soon caught on and started manipulating rindou while rindou was just clueless and YOU did nothing" she broke the man's arm as he yelled, tears spilling out of his eyes.

"They probably forgot about me even! They always hated you and you really expect them to come and save you while they well know what you did to us and mother?"






Blood splattered the area as I soon heard a gasp, I quickly looked over to see a woman in her night clothing, my fathers wife.
Thank god I wore a mask. I quickly place my index finger on my lips as the woman quickly nodded in fear. I ran out through the back and jumped over the fence, I quickly took off my mask, placing it in my pocket as I soon take off my sweater and tie it on my waist, proceeding to slightly change my hair, pull out my phone and walk normally.

As for the gun? I somehow managed to get the prints of the woman that were now on the gun.

"That was fun, I should do this more often" I smirked.

And that's where the whole serial killer name grew on me.

____________________ ꕺ ____________________

A group was watching the news when a picture of a corpse came up on screen, together with the picture of a familiar man next to it. The eyes of two certain males widen as they saw the photo of the man "Oi, ran, isn't that your dad?" Spoke a dark haired male with a scar on his eye and a cigarette between his lips. As the comment peaked someone else's interest.

"Did you do it?, looks like a torture method that these two would do" began a pink haired man with crystal blue eyes and scars on either side of his lips, sanzu haruchiyo "it does look like something we would do but we wouldn't do it to father, if we were to kill him then we would just put him out of his misery instantly, not torture him" spoke another male with lilac hair and sleepy violet eyes while a taller one that looked like him nodded, just that his hair was styled differently, ran and rindou haitani, your brothers.

"Still killing him though" remarked sanzu as rindou got really irritated at the male for some reason "Damn it sanzu, can't you see it was a torture and legit just a shot?!" Rindou slapped the back of sanzu's head as the other glared at him. "Quit being childish you two" scolded ran "you're one to talk" muttered rindou.

"Do you perhaps know anybody that held some type of grudge towards him?" Suddenly came and sat down somebody with white hair and extremely expensive attire, and that's was kokonoi hajime "many, but none of those would have a similar torture method as us" spoke ran, confusion written all over his face

Rindou had high suspicions that it was somebody close to him, somebody he missed dearly but he didn't want to kill that person, nor did he want ran to do it, he cared about her a lot and if there was a possibility it was her, he would protect her with his life, not caring if even his own brother had to kill him in order to do so. So he kept quiet.

"Unless there was someone we cant remember"

Worry shocked through the body of the shorter lilac hair upon hearing those words come from his brother.

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