"yeah! i am telling the truth, stop trying to kick me out, baldy!" yuna rolls her eyes as the security guards let her into the room, closing the door behind her. "geez, what a bunch of dickwads! telling me i can't come in her and congratulate my brother and his friends on their show. anyways, you guys did so great, i'm so proud of you!"

she walks over to the group, hugging yeosang first, followed by jongho, san, a bone crushing hug from wooyoung, soft hugs and kisses on the forehead from seonghwa and hongjoong, and gentle hugs from yunho and mingi, who kept his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"you really thought it was good?" wooyoung questions, bending down to look into her eyes.

"yeah, it was amazing! it was funny, it was entertaining and most of all, you all sounded so amazing. i'm proud of you guys." she smiles brightly at the group, earning herself a few flustered noises and 'yeah, we were pretty incredible's.

"how did you even get here?" yunho queries as he takes a seat on the lounge.

"i got an uber. but i ran into your manager outside and he said i could just ride home with you guys since, you know, i'm living with you at the moment." she chuckles.

"well, we'd better get going then." hongjoong opens the door to find their manager was just about to come in and check yuna has safely gotten to the group before they left. they begin heading out of the venue, yuna hanging back with the staff behind the boys so as to not raise suspicions in anyone who didn't yet know she was yunho's sister.

they make it out the cars where yuna climbs in the front seat of mingi, yunho, wooyoung and jongho's car. they start off down the street before the manager quickly pulls over at a gas station.

"why'd we stop? aren't we going home?" yunho asks the manager.

"we are. you wanna get in the back with them yuna?" yuna nods and hops out of the car before climbing into the back row with mingi and wooyoung.

they drive off again, the car silent for a few minutes before yuna speaks up.

"what's it like? you know, being up on the stage?" she asks, looking at each of the boys.

"it's amazing. it's so cool to be standing up there and having a room full of people there to watch you and only you. i love it!" wooyoung cries, sliding down his chair a little.

"well, that's true most of the time," yunho chuckles, "but sometimes it's terrifying. it's like, you're standing up there in front of all these people and you have to make sure you don't mess anything up. when i'm up on stage, a million thoughts run through my head at a million miles an hour. and sometimes i can't get those thoughts out of my head so i have to let them run while keeping a calm and cool expression. and then perform."

she huffs, patting both wooyoung and mingi's knees.

"jeez. that makes me feel better about declining hybe's offer to be a trainee last week."

the four look at her in shock as she stares straight ahead of her.

"you said no to training at hybe?" wooyoung exclaims, staring at her like she had two heads.

"yeah. i always get offers from companies to be a trainee and i always turn them down. but after hearing what oppa just said, i feel a lot better about it."

"don't! don't feel better about it! maybe you should take one of the offers!" jongho cries.

"nuh uh, i'm not doing that again."

"you know you could always come to kq. we could probably use some more female trainees." the manager chirps from the front of the car, glancing at the girl through the rear view mirror.

"nah. i mean, it'd be fun and i totally could but i just don't know if i'm cut out for that stuff." she shrugs, leaning her head on mingi's shoulder.

they ride in silence for the remainder of the drive and head straight upstairs when they reach their building.

yuna follows mingi down to his room to grab some clothes before she heads back to the bathroom to change. she goes back to mingi's room to find him lying in bed on his phone. she climbs in beside him and lays her head on his shoulder to see what he was doing.

"you know, i think you should really consider joining kq. i think you'd like it. and i think you're perfect idol material. you're smart, you're funny, not to mention stunning. i feel like you'd be a breath of fresh air in the industry for a lot of people. someone people can really relate to and not get bored or annoyed."

yuna sighs, looking up at him. "maybe i will. just not right now, i'm too busy with other, less important things."

mingi nods as she sighs, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep on his shoulder.

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