Chapter 10 Another Way Out

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Harry Pov

Hey, you're early today. Draco said coming to my direction.

I woke up early. Did you sleep well ? I asked him.

Yeah i did. So what is it? He asked me. Curiosity can be seen on his face.

What is what? I clearly didn't understand what he meant.

You said you have a surprise for me or something. I'm not desperate or anything. Just curious. He said looking at me with his usual smug face.

Oh that. I said thinking back to yesterday. I was just kidding. His expression changed. He seemed sad.

Oh really? I thought~~ well it doesn't matter. I knew that you were bluffing. He said still looking sad.

So i quickly added. Hey idiot you believed. I wasn't kidding. I was just testing you to see your reaction. I laughed watching his current expression.

You bloody Potter. I really thought you were serious. He said trying to be angry but couldn't. Anyway what is it?

I will show you. But first i need to fill my stomach. I'm starving. I said walking towards the Great Hall.

When are you not hungry. He muttered but i heard him.

When I'm sleeping. I said looking at him from the corner of my eye. I saw him smiling. So did i.


Harry POV

Where are we going exactly? Draco asked me when we exited The Great Hall.

You'll see. I said walking towards the school ground.

Now we are in front of The Forbidden Forest. Draco looked somewhat surprised. So he asked me

Are we going to the forbidden forest? Is that your surprise?

Be patient, Draco. Like i said you'll see. But first i need to ~. I said stepping close to Draco.

He stood still looking at my eyes. I don't know why but i couldn't take my eyes away from his beautiful grey eyes.

~ cover your eyes. I completed my sentence and moved to his back.

Okay. He said and closed his eyes. I covered his eyes with my hands.

I don't know why my heart is beating so fast. But i don't care. I lead our way and went to the forbidden forest.

Draco Pov

Harry, are we there yet? We've been walking for a long time. I said.

Here we are. Harry said and removed his hands from my eyes.

It took me a second to clearly see what was infront of me. When i looked at the place my jaw dropped. I didn't know how to express it. But the one word that came from my mouth was

Wow. Harry looked at me and smiled.

It was a secret place inside the forbidden forest. I have never heard anything about a place like this existed. It's like we are in a fairytale. There were flowers, little birds and one big tree. The place reminded me of Harry's eyes. Green ones. The greenery was really beautiful. I couldn't take me eyes off of it.

Harry went to sit under the tree. Even though it was Christmas time it was really warm there. It's like i stepped into a different world. I sat alongside him. And asked.

Harry, I've never heard about this place. How did you find this? I was really curious.

Actually not many people know about this place. I didn't either until one day Hagrid brought me here. Harry said looking at me.

Hagrid, but why? I asked him still looking curious.

You know my life is not easy at all like other people think. I've been through a lot and am still going through shits. So one day i was really sad about something and i wanted to escape from the reality . So i went to the forest and saw hagrid on the way. I wanted to know where he was going so i started following him. When he stopped infront of this place i caught up with him and asked him where he was going and he told me about this place. He wasn't planning on telling me that. But you know me i tricked him to saying the truth. And i asked him if i could see it. And he said no but when he saw my face, he agreed. That was when i first came here. After that day whenever i feel sad or lonely i come here even though Hagrid said i shouldn't come here again. It is like a healing place for me. He said looking afar thinking about something. A small smile crept on his face.

Even though he was smiling i knew deep down he was hurting thinking about those times. And it hurted me. Because i was one of the reasons why Harry felt sad. And thinking about it made me hate myself. So i called his name softly and said

Harry.... I've already told you this. But i need to tell you this over and over again until i feel relieved. I'm really sorry for what i did to you. I regret it now. I really do. At that time i just wanted to mock you for fun. But i didn't know it affected you this badly. I really wish i could turn back time. So that i can take back everything I've done to hurt you. I'm really really sorry Harry. I was on the verge of tearing up. So i looked down.

It's okay Draco. You don't need to apologise to me anymore. You have changed. You are not the Draco who hurted me. It's over. Remember we are friends right? So forget it okay?. I'm happy now. Because of you. So let the past go and make the future brighter. Harry said smiling at me and I didn't know why but my heart skipped a beat watching his smile. And i smiled back and said

Okay. But i have to tell you this. I will never hurt you like that ever again i promise and if you ever feel sad or lonely you can come to me okay. And then we can come here together. I will always be there for you, Harry. You can count on me. I said honestly and meant every word i said.

Harry felt extremely happy. And his smile got wider looking at Draco. He didn't know but he was slowly starting to feel close to Draco, his old arch enemy.


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