Chapter Five: Ludo Vs The Forces Of Evil

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Yeah, my mom told me about you and your wife when she visited you all those months ago, you really made it hard for Ludo, and for what just for him to betray you, you set him on his initial path for power, to steal my family's wand, Star added.

Brudo tried to think of a snarky comeback, but he couldn't, he never focused that much since he spent all his time on scratch cards in hopes of getting back what was his family home. He had nothing, what makes it worse is that he wasn't bested by his own runt sized son, but bested by the once teenage princess Ludo was once enemies with, he may have not known much of Ludo's scheming's, but word did come around of him and his gang being the only one's brave enough (and stupid enough) to even attempt to steal the Butterfly Wand.

Brudo looked at Star with a cold glare, but the truth was, Star was right. Brudo had always been hard on Ludo, and I mean really hard, pushing him to be someone more, more than any of his siblings, he never knew why, but it took its toll on him, Star knew this since Ludo confessed to Moon of his upbringing back when Toffee took over Ludo's body. 

Fine, Brudo said with a sigh. You win. The house is yours, Ludo.

Ludo's face was shocked as he heard those words. He had never thought that this man, this excuse of a Father would admit his defeat, granted it wasn't what he expected, but part of him feels at peace.

Thank you, Father, Ludo said with a small, but serious grin on his face. Brudo nodded, still feeling resentment towards his son, but he couldn't bring himself to say that he is proud of Ludo, silence fills Brudo's mind, he and his wife had nothing, only a small shack in the wood, their kids, gone, left them for Ludo. So what now for Mr. and Mrs. Avarius?

With the tension diffused, the Avarius Parents neutrally parted ways with their children and left for the woods. Star and Marco were confused as to why they left, Ludo just said to them; They just need all the time in the world to reevaluate themselves.

Star and Marco spent some time of the day playing basketball and enjoying each other's company. It was a rare moment of peace and happiness, one that Ludo had worked hard to achieve, Ludo finally made amends with the two teens, Star and Marco felt weird, they were once fighting this guy and his cronies, now they are hanging out with him, as friends, although Ludo still had some unresolved tensions with Buff Frog, he was able to make things right with all his other minions, all but Buffrog, Ludo, after spending so much time in the emptiness that is the void, he regrets how he treated Buffrog, Ludo expected him not to come, he knows how much pain he caused for him, but suddenly he heard a very familiar voice shouting for him.

Ludo, is you here? Star and Marco turned around to see their friend and father Buffrog, and all his children are with him.

Buffrog, you made it, I didn't expect you to come at all, I mean after everything I did to you, I thought you never see me again, Ludo asked.

I thought so aswell, but I got a visit from your brother, he wanted me to come over, I was hesitant at first, but your brother told me of your upbringing and how you spent time in void, he seemed to be sincere about, but I had doubts.

Then a few days later, I come across other monster minions of your and friends of mine, they said they help you with castle, but started to say you were still the same as before, but once again brother of yours explained that he didn't know they were minions of yours, he was trying to forget it all, once again he was sincere with words, how I know that is story for another time.

Then not too long ago I received invitation of yours, after words from your brother, I was willing to try, but part of me still had doubts, but......Buffrog said.

Let me guess Dennis talked again with you, Ludo replied.

Actually, it was Star Butterfly and Karate Boy, Buffrog responded.

You know I have an actual name aside from Karate Boy Buffrog, Marco shouted in the background.

Buffrog ignored Marco's comment and continued with the story.

Here I see Star and Karate Boy approach me, wanted to catch up with me and children of mine, then I bring up invitation from you, they also had invitations from you, they seemed to trust you now, and insist I give you second chance, I was doubtful, but if those two accepted invite, then it had to be true, so here I am now, Buffrog concluded.

After realizing his mistakes, Ludo set out to make amends with Buffrog. He apologized for his past actions and promised to be a better friend in the future. Buffrog, being the kind-hearted frog that he was, forgave Ludo and the two soon became friends.

Although Buffrog had one surprise for Ludo, something that Dennis, Star nor Marco ever saw coming, Buffrog said to Ludo the children he gave to him on that day had changed him, it took him a while to be a father, but that paid off, he had a family, made amends and allied with the Butterflies during Mina's invasion and became an ambassador and representative for all monsters, but with this newfound responsibility, Buffrog realised that he needed someone to look after his children, he needed a godfather. He then approached Ludo and asked if he would be willing to take on the role. Ludo was touched and accepted without hesitation. Star, Marco and Dennis were stunned, jaws dropped, but soon congratulated him.

Being a godfather was a great responsibility, and Ludo took it very seriously. He made sure to always be there for Buffrog's children, offering them guidance and support whenever they needed it. He even helped Buffrog teach them how to hunt and fish.

Thanks to Buffrog's kindness and forgiveness, Ludo was able to turn his life around and become a better person. He no longer sought power and control but instead focused on being a loyal friend and godfather. The bond between Ludo and Buffrog became stronger with each passing day, and they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what challenges they may face in the future.

As the sun began to set and the visitors prepared to leave, Ludo couldn't help but feel grateful for everything that had happened to him. From attempting to steal the Butterfly Wand to being thrown into the void, to being possessed by a Lizard Lawyer, to temporarily taking over Mewni, to living in the void, to landing in an alternate universe, and finally returning to Mewni to rebuild his family home alongside his brother and siblings, Ludo had been through it all. But through it all, he had never lost sight of who he was and what he wanted.

As he watched Star and Marco walk off into the distance, Ludo knew that his journey was far from over, but he was ready for whatever came next.

Author's Note: Hey, it's been a while since I lasted posted a new chapter, writers block is a nightmare, sorry for the short chapter, it's been hard to figure out the story for self-contained chapters like this one, expect the next one to have a similar word count to this chapter, I am trying to have a layout for future chapters. Don't worry this story and the saga is not being abandoned! Just having a hard time to write a good chapter, feel free to drop any suggestions in the comments.

Tune in next time for Chapter Six: Parallel Beginnings, coming soon (whenever that is)

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