Yandere Sundrop X Reader

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It's been a long day at work at the daycare, and it was almost over. I was mostly behind the desk making sure everything was correct and in order. I was doing my thing till Sundrop was right behind me that got me scared. (Sundrop): "Sunshine!" I started to sigh softly while saying Hi to Sundrop. (Y/n): "Can you let me go?" He gently putted me down while he got excited a little bit to see me. (Y/n): "Wait, are you supposed to be with the kids?" He shook his head while telling me that they are playing hide and seek. (Sundrop): "But I kinda wanna spend time with you for a bit." I sighed softly while  told him that he needed to find the kids. Sundrop started to look very upset that he wanted to spend time with me. I putted my hand between my hips while telling him to go play his game. He softly and walked away to go find the kids while sitting back to the desk. Then I started to get a call from Vanessa. I answered it does she wanted to make sure if everything was okay in the daycare. (Y/n): " Yeah everything is alright, Sundrop is playing Hide and Seek with the kids." Vanessa was happy to hear the news while telling me that to make sure everything gets clean up. I told will do as she both hang up the phone while Sundrop was standing right  next to me. (Y/n): "Holy shit! You shouldn't do that!" He got upset with my language but then told me that he founded the kids. (Sundrop): "Oh its closing time, the adults should get the kids soon." He went to the pick up door to greet the adults while the kids waved goodbye.

I was just clean the floor while Sundrop was staking the barrel's. It felt very weird that Sundrop is getting attached to me. Like he gets very close to me and hugs me randomly. But I just go with it a little bit unless if it gets more worse. The floor was clean while I turned around to see Sundrop, he was gone. Let me guess he was right next to me? I turned around to see him next to me seeing what I was doing. Yep knew that he was right next to me. (Sundrop): "Hey Sunshine, did you had a good day?" I nodded softly that I did as he gently petted my head. I blushed red a bit, but for some reason that I gently enjoyed it. (Sundrop): "Your hair is so soft~" I got a little embarrassed of what he said to me. (Y/n): "What did you said Sundrop?" He blushed at me while looking away at me. Well ok then, I gently grab his hand and gently pushed it away from my hair. (Y/n): "Well I gatta head home." Then got freaked out that I needed to leave for the night. (Sundrop): "W-what! No, Y-you can stay here for the night if you want to." I looked at him while he was started to blush very red. (Y/n): "Ehh I don't know if I should?" He holded his hand together while on his knees. (Sundrop): "Please I won't do anything werid. I just want to hangout with you longer." I had to double think about it till he gave me a very sad face that made me convince. (Y/n): "Ok ok. Ill stay the night. But just one night." Sundrop gave me a big smile at me while he gently gave me a hug. (Sundrop): "Thank you, Thank you (Y/n). Ill make you comfortable around here as I can." I smiled softly towards him while gently giving a hug back. Then he started to pet my head again which I didn't mind. He went off to get supplies for a slumber party. I'm not going to lie he's sweet to me but sometimes he can be too sweet. But I don't let that get over me, I just think its very sweet of him. (Sundrop): "Got the things we need for a slumber party!" I nodded softly as we both started our night of fun together.

*Sorry if its not right or short since its my first time writing something different. But I hope you enjoyed it.*

Requested by: Sadie_Rosie_lol

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