y/n - ahhh i have never done this 

keisia - i'll help you baby now come back

wait why did it turn off all of a sudden

keisia - oh y/n sorry i fixed the little problem...


taehyung - so y/n i was thinking on the first date we talked about things like hobbies and graduation but lets make this date fun ok?

y/n - yeah

taehyung - so y/n tell me one person you love the most right now?

keisia - say
y/n - you (ugh!!!!!!! i am cringing inside)

taehyung - come on y/n don't joke

y/n - yeah its chen actually - i can share anything with him and we comfort each other through rough times and during this recent mess he was always there for me

taehyung - hmm for me its my dad right now as he was really supportive of me you know ..... i just love my parents too much

keisia - ask
y/n - what is your wildest fantasy? (he raised an eyebrow again and smirked slightly)

taehyung - well this is not something you should know just yet.

keisia - say
y/n - please i'll share mine too

taehyung - hmm that's tempting ok then - 
i always wanted to try sex inside car or while showering

y/n - you never tried it

taehyung - no never found someone i could try it with...

y/n - oh so do you have any siblings too?

taehyung - not so smart y/n - you promised you'll share yours..

keisia - y/n he will be your future boyfriend if time comes so i'll let you answer questions like these......
y/n - (scoffing internally - thanks) ok i always wanted to try role-playing and uh b-bondage (drowning in embarrassement)

taehyung - really that would be fun so have you tried it yet? (she shook her head no - i could clearly see she was embarrassed)

keisia - ask
y/n - (NOOO!!!) which part of your body do you love the most and what do you first notice in a girl?

taehyung - i love my everything and i notice the person's eyes first - they have much more than a person can reveal about itself

keisia - ask
y/n - what about my eyes?

taehyung - they are beautiful just like you - they say you are a person with self respect, confidence and bravery but a little bit shy (she blushed badly)
so y/n what do you notice in a boy first

keisia - (ugh my fun is ruined) you can answer (monotone)
y/n - (why is she being this generous?) their personality, their ideology and their perspective of everything - for me it is the most important

taehyung - hmm i agree
so y/n do you write a diary as i often come across people who have this habit...

keisia - you can answer
y/n - (now i was feeling like i have drunk enough wine) actually no i used to at a time but then i noticed my diary always got discovered by someone - my friend, my uh crush or my parents - its no use 
also the things i usually wrote were the sad things that happened and took out my anger on various people so when someone else read it i found myself embarrassed and vulnerable like they didn't need to know that

taehyung - so y/n if something sad happens now what do you do 

y/n - its embarrassing

taehyung - i won't comment or judge 

y/n - i talk to chen if not i cry it out and talk to my plushies (i looked at him and he was smiling)

taehyung - well but after this if you ever feel dejected i hope i am one of the persons you can share it with

keisia - ask 
y/n - so taehyung what was the last R- rated movie you watched (he just chocked on his food)

taehyung - oh it was uh knock knock 

y/n - i haven't watched that...

taehyung - so what was your last R - rated movie 

keisia - answer.....(ugh kim taehyung!!!)
y/n - 365 dni ... i liked it

taehyung - i have watched it - what did you like in the movie

y/n - it was fascinating as i said i loved role play so i found it amusing
being kidnapped - given 365 days and the adventure that follows

taehyung - i know what kind of adventure you are talking about...

y/n - oh come on taehyung you know what after drinking adequate amount of wine i am a bit drunk and a lot more less embarrassed so let me tell you i liked that adventure really very much. 

taehyung - (raising eyebrows and smirking slightly) really? i am glad to know well i like that type of adventure too 

y/n - good and you know what i watch porn too

taehyung - hmm thanks for letting me know - y/n when you are with me you should drink pretty often i like this side of you

keisia - y/n say........ y/n!!??

i took off the earplug and smashed it on the table

y/n - taehyung you know what keisia is going to die tomorrow and i will kill her

taehyung - hmm ok 

y/n - she dared me to seduce you but (i walked a little towards him and sat on his lap) are you seduced?? 

taehyung - oh my god y/n i hope you remember this tomorrow 
(when she sat on my lap i could already feel it - but this y/n she is so adorable being drunk i can't even imagine something like that right now she looks so cute)

y/n - hey taehyung are you seduced (i asked near his ear)

taehyung - i am what do you want to do now? 

y/n - hmm (thinking i raised my hand high above) kill keisia and marry you

taehyung - for the second one i am ready to help you with the first
come on lets get you home 

y/n - ok but you sure are seduced right?

taehyung - yes should i give you this in writing

y/n - hmm good idea 

taehyung - ok now get inside the car

y/n - (during ride) taehyung!! 

taehyung - hmm

y/n -- i am sorry (sobbing)

taehyung - what - what happened? (worried)

y/n - i - i lied to you during our date keisia made me wear this although i don't have much problem with this 
she made me ask you those questions - they were all sexual - nothing sweet and normal - ahh
i'll kill her

taehyung - hmm i know and its ok i enjoyed myself today but lets talk about this tomorrow hmm
when you are sober 
and now just go inside (stopping the car) and take a rest ok?

y/n - ok (i nodded) thank you (kissing his cheek and getting out)

taehyung - your welcome   (i was again stunned and the effect it was that same one )


and then i woke up in the morning with dry throat and a weird feeling - dizziness
but then it hit me like a truck and i was dead 


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