oc facts cause I haven't done it in a while

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Psst- some of the characters may be owned by this lovely person STARBITS-MIZUKI

Fern throws a tantrum whenever they get related to kokichi of any of the antags

kamaye, fern, and juku seem like they have the relationship of lock, shock and Barrel

Also juku is hecking tall she is 6'6. And she's lanky

If you say anything bad about shiko. Yunna will destroy your life

Surprisingly Lao's favorite holiday is Easter

Everyone blames jinx for everything because of the whole criminal thing

Akko and Lao have a very good relationship and akko is more social near him

Lmao my third fanganronpa is a literal videogame no one actually dies

Might change hiro into a hit woman

Mino loves it when people make stuff related to his are like au's, cosplay, fanart, etc. He sees it as a compliment. Except if they fetishize his characters or make yucky stuff of them

Mitsi and jinx are somehow friends

Droid and cupid are siblings

And cupid seems all happy and innocent but if you push his buttons he is angry

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