"Love you?"

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"I hate you!" She sobs, turning her back on the man who was stood behind her. The tears mingled with the pouring rain, her lashes wet and her face drenched. She was upset and she knew that she had every right to be.

He stood in his spot for a few seconds, damp clothes clinging to his body and hair stuck to his forehead. He hadn't any clue why she was so upset and why she was behaving such a way. He called out to her, "Why are you doing this? Why are you making such a scene! Why do you hate me?!"

She laughed humourlessly, she laughed even though her heart tore itself into half. With her back still to him, she called out the numerous reasons why she did.

"I hate the way you look at me. I hate the way you talk to me but most of all," she now turned to stare him dead in the eyes, "I hate the way you act like you love me.."

He smirked, his lips tugging upwards through the fight at the last words she uttered. "Love you?"

And that was what shattered her.

She turned around and started walking, the hot tears warming her cold face as the faint shouting of his pleads for her to return echoed across the empty street.

Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora