Chapter Three - Old Songs, Old Memories

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Welcome back everybody. Guess who back and in attack! Sorry about the long wait for this chapter. I was suffering from a creative block for a while, and I was also doing some soul searching as well. But now I'm back and ready to tell what I plan to be on the greatest fan fiction of all time! Today's chapter centers around my OC, Jason.  I hope you enjoy it! Also, I wanted you that this chapter is a long one, so you better buckle up for a book length chapter today 

Also, once again I want to warn the copyright people that with the exception my OC, all characters and settings belong to Illumination and Universal Pictures. Also, the song used in this chapter, Stuck With U, belongs to Republic Records. Also, please make sure to reading the authors note at the end. It's important. So without further ado, please enjoy today's chapter...


2 Worlds, 1 Love: A Porsha X OC Fan Fiction: Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Old Songs, Old Memories

Calatonia - June 18th, 9:05 am

"I can't see her anywhere". Jason and Buster, alongside with some of cast were looking from the edge of the stage for Suki Lane. "She could be anywhere in this crowd." Jason said as he was looking through the audience. "Oh, wait I see here! She over here!" Buster said excitedly had he dart the binoculars to direction. "There. See the dog, middle third row?"

Jason scanned the row in anxiousness and eventually found a red saluki wearing a semi-causal/business get up. "Hey, I see her!" Jason said excitedly. "You guys, look over here!" The gang excitedly turned there heads to look at the scout, who may make their chance at performing in Redshore possible. "Oh, she's younger than I imagined." Rosita said in surprise. "Yeah, well, supposedly, she's the best scout in show business." Buster said in a mix of excitement and anxiousness.

"Hmm..." Jason murmured as he tried to study the saluki's face, which was to him look like a mix of a "meh face" and a "bored face". "I can't tell if she likes it or not." The wolf said in frustration. "Reading her face is like reading a blank piece of paper. Or a brick." Jason, tried from trying to decipher her face, decided to hand the binoculars back to Buster.

"Hmm... Maybe we can try to get a closer look from up there!" The koala said optimistically, pointing upwards to the upper cat walk. "Come on." The koala ran up the stairs, with the cast following him in pursuit. As they reached the cat walk, they found Ms. Crawley, who was viewing the show with a spyglass.

"And how we doing over here, Miss Crawly?" The old lizard turned to Moon, spyglass still in hand. "Oh, very good, Mr. Moon. So far, I counted nine smiles, two belly laughs and five chuckles. Uh, though the last one could've just been gas." Jason lightly scrunched his face in response to the "gas" comment. "Maybe we couldn't done without the last detail".

"Well, that's proof, right? She must like the show." Buster excitedly exclaimed. "Oh, my gosh. You think so?" Rosita asked in equal excitement. "I hope so. Alright everybody, get in positions for the next scene." The gang began to ascend the steps when Jason stopped and turned to Buster. "Mr. Moon, are you coming with us?"

"I'll be back in a few minutes." He said in a reassuring tone to Jason. "Make sure the show runs smoothly while I'm gone." He then ran up to the teen and handed a clipboard full of notes and stage cues. "Here's my clipboard. It contains all my notes and cues for show. Use them to help run the show along smoothly."

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