Part 4

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After a long, hot, 30 minute shower, Chester got out and got into a new pair of pajamas.

Chester exited the bathroom as quietly as possible and turned to see Parker sitting up on his phone.

"Oh, did i wake you? Sorry," Chester whispered, trying not to wake Abby either.

"It's fine, i woke up to you yelling my name, are- are you okay?" Parker asked, putting his phone down.

"Just, just a nightmare, it's whatever," Chester admitted. Walking over to the bed.

"What was it about? Was i in it? You yelled pretty loudly im surprised Abby didn't wake up too," Parker chuckled a bit. Chester shuttered at the thought of the nightmare, he didn't want to relive that again.

Parker noticed and sighed.

"Would.. would you feel better if we cuddled? Like before?" Parker sheepishly asked, a small grin spreading across his face.

"Oh! Umm. I guess, yeah, it would help maybe," Chester replied, surprised and flustered at the offer. Parker could see this in the dim light and laughed a bit.

Chester awkwardly climbed into bed and under the covers as Parker lied down. Chester lied down next to him and looked over to Parker, unsure what at do.

Chester's awkward nature again made Parker laugh. Parker turned onto his side and wrapped his arms around Chester, pulling him close.

Chester shifted and turned on his side to now face Parker and looked up at him.

Chester's eyes met Parker's and the two looked at each other for a second before Chester looked back down at Parker's chest, his face red as a tomato.

Parker laughed at Chester's reaction, it was funny to him to see Chester so flustered.

"T-thanks" Chester muttered quietly.

"What do you mean?" Parker questioned, loosening his grip on Chester and looking down at him.

"For.. for everything," Chester whispered, placing his hands lightly on Parker's chest and looking up at him. He forced himself not to look away.

"Of course, and hey, im always here," Parker assured, pulling Chester closer and resting his chin on his head.

Chester smiled and nestled his face into Parker's chest and sighed with relief. He felt safe in Parker's arms, even if he'd never feel the same.

That morning, at about 7 in the morning, Abby got up to see the boys cuddling in bed.

"Aww, I'll let them sleep," she whispered to herself as she passed their bed to take a shower.

Abby got in the shower. However the sound of the water woke up Chester.

"Huh?" He hummed, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He tried to move, only to realize he was again tightly wrapped in Parker's arms.

Parker let out a heavy sigh, still asleep, and shifted slightly, pulling Chester closer.

Chester's heart raced faster than lightning McQueen. He looked up at Parker, he looked so peaceful sleeping. Then, his eyes drifted to Parker's lips.

"If only," Chester quietly sighed to himself, not finishing the thought out loud.

Parker woke up to Chester's words and looked down at him in time to hear him say 'if only' though.

"If only what?" He questioned in a gruff morning voice.

"O-Oh! You- you heard that!" Chester yelped, his face flushing red as he realized he had been caught.

"If only what?" Parker asked again, confused as he looked down at his best friend who was now avoiding eye contact.

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