Part 5

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Parker put the car in park in Abby's driveway and got out. Abby and Chester hopped out too and the three made their way to the front door.

"Okay, let's be quiet, if it's here we don't want to alert it" Abby whispered, opening the door as it had been left unlocked. Chester got goosebumps as Abby opened the door.

They split up to check the house. Abby checked downstairs while Parker and Chester checked upstairs.

"Hey, about this morning," Parker started, turning to Chester. Chester hummed in acknowledgment and opened a closet door.

Parker sighed, Chester wasn't going to tell him right now and he didn't want to push the matter to much.

"Should we be recording this? It is good content," Chester asked, looking over at Parker. Parker nodded,

"I'll go get the cameras from the car, go meet Abby in the kitchen by the basement door and I'll meet you guys there," Parker explained. The boys went down the stairs and their separate ways.

Chester walked to the kitchen and saw Abby.

"Downstairs is clear, what about upstairs?" She asked. Chester informed her that it was clear and that Parker had gone to get the cameras.

"Okay, im here," Parker's voice rang out behind them as he came in with the cameras. He had two and handed one to Abby while holding the other one.

Abby opened the basement door and Chester's blood ran cold. There in front of him was the stairs from his nightmare.

Chester took at step back as tears swelled up in his eyes.

"Chester?" Parker questioned, looking at him as he panicked.

"This. I. This is. Parker." Chester muttered, reaching for Parker without taking his eyes off the stairs in fear of something happening.

Parker realized Chester was crying.

"Chester! Dude are you okay?!" Parker questioned, coming to his side to comfort him. Chester hugged Parker tightly, catching Parker off guard.

"It. The stairs. Nightmare." Was all Chester could muster, but it was enough for Parker to understand that it had something to do with his nightmare and was upsetting.

"Chester, look at me, I'm right here, you're going to be okay," Parker assured, softly pulling Chester's face to look at him. Chester would have been flustered if he wasn't so scared.

Chester took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes. Parker hugged Chester back. Abby quietly watched and recorded them, she knew they wouldn't put it in the video but she wanted them to see it again later while editing.

After a few minutes, Chester had calmed down and was ready to go down to the basement.

"I'm right here," Parker stated again before they all entered the basement. Abby went down first, as she knew the layout, then Parker, and finally, Chester.

They descended the stairs and with every step, Chester became more uneasy. Luckily, he saw no blood on any of the steps.

Finally, they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Abby, if it did hide your family, where do you think it would do so? I don't see anything in here," Parker noted, looking at the empty room.

"In here, it is the only room down here," Abby stated, pointing at a door that blended into the wall so well Parker hadn't seen it at first.

They all entered and what they saw made Abby break down and Chester almost vomit.

The dead, bloody, decaying bodies of Abby's parents.

A cliché story❤️🏳️‍🌈Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu