Chapter 1

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Phantom had his chin in the pit of his thumb and forefinger. His tall and intimidating figure was standing in front of the monitor with Batman, Superman and Flash by his side. Although all three of them were on the taller side of men, they were almost small next to Phantom. His six’ five’’ figure making them look like they were shorter than the average man.

But yet, Phantom was known for being the kindest and most patient member of the league.

Luthor had gotten together his tribe of goons again, and together, they were trying to figure out the best way to capture all of them in a way where Luthor wouldn’t be able to use his lawyers to weasel out of prison. Again.

“What if we just grabbed the evidence that we need and like, I dunno, just give it to the authorities?”

Superman huffed and shook his head in slight exasperation,” I already told you Flash, the last time I did that, his lawyers were able to use that as a loophole for them to declare his arrest unlawful and get him out of prison. And I don’t know about you, but I want him to stay in prison for at least two months this time.”

Phantom stroked his smooth chin for a few seconds before starting, “What if we were gonna-” They all looked Phantom, who interrupted his sentence with a gasp.

Flash rose an eyebrow when he saw the blue whisp come out of Phantoms mouth, only for the ghost to sigh heavily and rub the bridge of his brow.

“Uh, Phantom?” Behind them, Batman and Superman were exchanging glances. Batman raising an eyebrow that Superman returned with a shrug of his shoulders.

Its not like he knew what Phantom was talking about either.

He didn’t even miss a beat before he said,” Sorry. She tends to not listen to me.”

They all frowned.


Before any of them could question what he meant by she, there was a flash of green light and then the sound of clanking metal.

Phantom watched with tired eyes as Dani, who was in her royal battle uniform, entered the watchtower.

They all slowly looked up at her. She was huge, she was probably a few inches shorter than Phantom, who was already of a giant of a being. And her appearance was terrifying. She had the same glowing aura of their teammate and was almost identical in appearance.

But what they weren’t expecting, was an armored woman, who was adorned with sashes and symbols, to enter the room.

Her armor was on her upper body, leaving her legs with nothing but bulky pants that somehow looked appropriate on her. Her shoulder had a black cape adorned with green embellishments that hung off the back of it. It was pinned to her clothes in an odd style that almost completely hid her left arm, leaving his right arm exposed. Her other shoulder had symbols that one could only relate to a military status. And she looked like she was a higher up. On her opposite hip, they could see the empty sheath hanging on there. It was only in certain movements where they could see that her left arm was completely covered tattoos and buckles. All those buckles being the straps for concealed knives and weapons.

Flash widened his eyes at the sight of the weapons, and when he nervously glanced at the others, he realized that he was the only one who saw all the hidden weapons.

Well, that was terrifying.

“Hey Danny!” Dani chirped out happily, casually swinging her sword around in a circle. Her blatant use of the weapon made the three heroes a little bit nervous,” Heard you needed some help with that Luthor freak.”

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