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When Wen Ning and Wen Qing arrived, Lan Wangji sat on the sofa, between Lan Zhan and Lan XiChen, and they each held one of the child's hands. All three were quiet, white, and tense. Wei Ying sat on the floor next to Lan Zhan's leg, his own hands tightly clenched.

The two immortals entered and Wangji rose gracefully to his feet and bowed from the waist, arms extended, and hands clasped in front; it was a perfect, and proper Lan bow.

"Good evening, Wen Qing and Wen Ning. The area has been prepared and I am ready to return." His voice was strong and steady, and both were impressed. Even at six, they saw the foreshadowing of the teen they first met in the classrooms of Cloud Recesses. It reinforced that everything tonight must go perfectly.

"Good evening, Lan Wangji. Some formalities first."

She stood in front of him, and he gazed solemnly at her. "First...Are you aware of the danger of this procedure and are you freely and willingly agreeing to it?"


"And what do you hope to achieve by doing this?"

"I hope to save my brother's life." Lan XiChen turned his face away and wipe a tear from his cheek. Time had sometimes dulled that sharp memory of how much the boys had survived, surrounded by those adults determined to suppress their intense devotion to one another. It flooded back with the same ferocity as it had been after their mother had died. He reached over with his hand and held tightly onto Lan Zhan. He felt the pressure returned and he was filled with love and warmth.

"I hope to fulfill my destiny, all of it." And he glanced at Wei Ying who smiled, silver eyes glistening like the galaxy.

"And I hope to do good and defy evil for all future lifetimes granted to me."

"Then we will enter and proceed."

Lan Zhan had worked all afternoon. The bed had been dismantled and taken to storage in the basement of the complex. Every inch was washed and polished from floor to ceiling and he and Lan Xi Chen had brought in a high round ottoman, covered in white silk with light blue, silk piping. This was placed in the very center for Wangji and the white silk and blue cushions for the others surrounded it. Tall pillar candles stood at each point of the compass at the corners of the room and on every surface of the tables as well, casting a soft glow throughout. Sandalwood wafted through the air. Wen Qing led Wangji to the center seat and Wangji mounted and assumed the lotus position right away. Each sat down and also adopted the same stance.

Wen Qing began to speak. "In a moment, we will begin. Remember, all must submerge into the deepest state of meditation possible. As our powers begin to intertwine and our cores reach their highest peak, they will manifest into a blinding white light that will be controlled by myself and Wen Ning. Trust us on this. We will be manipulating this force in ways rarely used. Just never break the stream. As soon as Lan Wangi feels at ease, his signal will be closing his eyes and we will begin as a group. Wangi, when you are at peace and ready. proceed."


The child in the center gazed back at her and Wen Ning with gratitude then one by one, looked one last time at the men before him. His eyes, deepened into a darker topaz and met silver ones, and they thanked him for his patience and merriment and promised the future to him. Then the gaze shifted to golden ones, promising to live up to the perfection he saw there. Then, he looked into the warm chocolate eyes of his brother and a moment of panic entered his own

Please, they begged, Is there no other way? Must I take this chance, then not make it and never know you again?

Tears filled the dark mink eyes across from him. No, my little brother. There is no other way. You will do this. You will succeed. We will be united. I have never believed in you more.

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