woman in pains but God came through years ago .

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I sit all my self imaging the kind of man i want or Even thinking about how he will look like or smell like ,for me i am all for the brains not the cock kind of girl but i feel the need to be pleasured at times so i can say i do need but he is to be smart in every thing both in handling his woman or raising children or hanging out wit friends or planing events and partys too and also money wise he has to be hard working . I do not think i want my man to do every thing for me so i wil appear as weak or lazy either so i wil let him have his own thought about me not that i am not working hard to get my man or anything but i just feel that it is best we both are productive just for the sake of my children the in future .i want my children future should be bright as the morning stars , my stars after all they are my world my next blood heritage after all so i have to pay close attend to my kids than my man we all know men cheat and act they were controlled to such anyways i am after that he cheats or he can not control his cock no man is perfect am i right but i prefer just building my time and attend either on my kids or family or my business just to i gnore his silly behaviour to gain pity from me so i rather pay attend to them eithers way that does not mean i do not want to spend romantic moment with my man in fact that bring me to the kind of man i want , i want a man that make me feel like i am in space or on another planet either he gentle make me feel easy with touch from his soft hands or the way he handles things when i am not around him or the fact he know how to make smiles even when i am sad and at my breaking point and my man should know how to cook too just to amaze me abit of course i wil cook for him but we all know women cook in style that is when i want him to eat something different from the whole normal base food men i can wait to caught this kind of man that we both understand each other so badly that we can feel each pain or feel when we are both going through in raising kids or bringing up new ideals in our business i just want a man that can actually pur himself inside a shoe of woman to see how she feel when he mess up so badly ,i want a man that quiet , calm , sweet,always busy with own things to notice that my social media notifications are on i wil not check my man phones or go through his emails because i just feel i trust him for him not mess up but once i smell a rat in my cloths then he draw a line that even him can not cross because i just leave him and find other man because once you caught him cheating that means it is not first time cheating and it is not be his last a man that can take his eyes off others women ,A man that want all pot of meal serve to him like some evil king that has no control over man hood should nor trust the second time anymore now back to where i mention the characteristics of the kind of man i want i was sweet, funny , responsible, kind , lovely. I know in your mind you wil wondering why i did not mention loyal because no human being is loyal due some certains issue or challenges life throws at you even we women makes mistakes sometimes we might have a bad hair or do not have a new designs to show off to friends or planing events can just stress the shit out of us but either it wil results us to doing something unthinkingable so i do not bother myself to check if a man is loyal because due to stress i can say lot to ruin my relationship or my marriage so i rather just let him know how much i can care about him and his feeling too and i also trust him but ladys is just to see if he cheats because i know men can very tricky about cheating and very smart about it too but i wil let my man do his own thing not cage him like some dog that has not been taken out on walks for weeks .so i just free my mind to let him wow me if he can guess what makes me happy or makes me unmoody when i am those days and i do the same to him so does not call me a heartless or unemotional bitch that just him all to my self of course i do but i want to do in mature way of handling my man he does think i am sweet and lovely so for me to get that side of loyal i have to act bit crazy and also a bitch that does notice any thing that he does for my attention just to put his loyalty to the test .now ladys i know some of women might think is this for real yes i am indeed because men just need a little bit of ignorance to drag the best in them ,but ladys do not over do it you wil lose your man if care is not taking at all so i advice you play your car very cute and cool leave no trace of evidence behind .i want my man to have patients when things does go the we least expect in should result to doing things unthinkingable just for money that might be illegal that can put our future at shake that kind of man is not might be hard to find because of men are never patient at all because they just feel when they things does go their way they are is problem or they need to work harder to bring the thing they have no control over to reality faster than they know ,with just little time it will come to reality ,i love my man to have attribute to play wit me any funny place like parks, partys , beachs, football games, even some outting with his guys, dinner with my family or his it just makes me feel happy wanted and loved by my man because he see me in the midst of all those thousand girls out there trust me ladys you will like it when your man is the playing type with you it just makes feel special and like a queen too

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