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'Tay sit down.' Dew tugged at my hand to sit on the bed because my knees were shaking.

'How could he do that to me!' I want to die at this moment. His condition marked my heart with a hot iron rod. It's burning like hell there.

'He doesn't think clearly when gets mad.' Dew slumped in the chair.

'How could he?' I am still in a daze.

'Tay..' Earth was looking at me sympathetically.

'That's why you weren't that much concerned about his whereabouts! Did Off and Gun knows too?'

Dew just nodded.

They were all well aware of the situation but nobody told me a thing! Now I understand their constant attention, care. They wete just following New's directives.

Even when he is not near me he still cares for my safety, but little did he know I am losing my sanity.

'I need some air.'

'It's not over yet.' Earth blurted out.

'What do you mean?' Realisation dawned on me when I saw their faces.

There is more!

'Here, look... There is one more video call recording, this time I received personally.' Dew gave the phone with a new recording.

'New! He called again? When?'

'Yesterday night before he called you.' Dew said solemnly.

'Then why didn't you tell me yesterday when I called?'

'Just watch.' He shoved it to my hand.

I played it. This time it's a recorded video call.



'Now who's number is this?'

'I got it somehow.'

'What the hell are you doing?'

'Listen carefully, I don't have much time. Do you know the password of dad's laptop?'

'How the hell I know that? Where are you? Stop messing around! Come back.'

'The hint says it's a 8 digit number related to his family.'

'Fuck it! Just get out of there! You said you will come back after teaching him a lesson. Didn't you meet dad already?'

'I did.'

'Didn't you get enough beating?'

'I did.'

'Then what are you waiting for? Show him your ID and let him know everything. That was the plan!'

'I already sneaked out from that warehouse where they held me. But I need to check something. Dad said he is gonna destroy Tay! I want to know how! What's make him that confident.'

'You escaped! Then just keep running. Tell me where you are, I am gonna get you.'

'I am in dad's room searching his laptop.'

'What the hell New! Get out of there.'

'Yes!! It's mom's birthday! I didn't know he is that romantic!'

'Shut up and get out right now.'

'Hold on a sec! I will just take a look and then..????'

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