“Sunghoon, you have to go to your room,” he reminded him. Heeseung openly showed he was displeased with his presence and clung to Sunghoon, keeping him away from Jay.

Sunghoon sobered up enough to realized that, while he was pleasantly affected by Heeseung’s scent, Sunoo and Jungwon were not. They were affected, but not pleasantly, they were cowering and hiding behind their alphas like their lives depended on it. Heeseung’s scent was strong and territorial, like he would fight anyone that came close to them. Sunoo and Jungwon were terrified of him.

“Alpha,” he softly called, removing Heeseung from his neck, “take me to my room, where we can be alone.”

Sunghoon wasn’t sure that would work, Heeseung seemed pretty far gone, but he guessed he couldn’t be fully in his rut yet. Everyone stood still, waiting for Heeseung’s reaction. Sunghoon was doing his best to stay conscious or else he would let Heeseung do whatever with him right where he was. In a second, Sunghoon saw Heeseung’s eyes get focused, he groaned in frustration and hid in Sunghoon’s neck again. This time though, it wasn’t sexual, Heeseung had regained control of himself and was pretty embarrassed by his actions.

“Sorry,” he muttered against Sunghoon’s neck, accidentally causing shivers to run through his body.

“It’s okay, let’s go before it really hits,” Heeseung nodded and turned to start walking towards Sunghoon’s room.

Heeseung held Sunghoon’s hand and started walking, looking at the floor to avoid everyone else’s stare. Sunghoon looked over at Sunoo and Jungwon, just to be sure they were okay. They seemed to be calming down now that Heeseung’s scent had toned down a bit. Niki and Jay probably had helped releasing their own scents. Jake looked at him, silently asking if he would be okay and Sunghoon just nodded. Heeseung had been forceful just a second ago, but Sunghoon was convinced Heeseung wouldn’t hurt him. He may be rough with him, but not actually to the point of causing him pain. At least, no more pain than what Sunghoon wanted.

As they walked inside Sunghoon’s room, Heeseung closed the door without locking it. No one would want to walk inside as they all knew what was going to happen in there, and again, Heeseung wanted Sunghoon to be able to escape if he wished to. Sunghoon doubted he would be able to reach the door if Heeseung was like he had been in the living room, but he didn’t mind. Now that Heeseung was more conscious of his actions, the atmosphere was a little tense. Sunghoon sat inside the nest he had arranged and waited as Heeseung seemed to hesitate.

“I- We should- Before it hits…” Heeseung seemed nervous, but Sunghoon couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. “I think we should… start before my rut hits.” Sunghoon was taken by surprise, but he was not going to say no.

“Okay,” he breathed, still a little bothered by how much Heeseung had messed with his neck before.

“I just… I don’t want to hurt you,” he explained, “and I don’t think I’ll… properly prepare you if we wait for my rut to begin.” Sunghoon thought that the idea of Heeseung just taking him raw without notice was quite exciting, but he also knew that would hurt a lot more than he could take, so he nodded.

“Do you want to do it or do you want me to prep myself?” Sunghoon asked fast before he could feel any shame. Heeseung, however, seemed to have been hit by a truck as he heard Sunghoon’s question.

“I- ho- what- what d-do you prefer?” Sunghoon found Heeseung’s stutter out of nerves to be cute. Heeseung was being too cute. 

“Then I’ll start and you can join if you want,” Sunghoon said and he had to admit, he was getting a little embarrassed now that he had to take off his clothes.

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