♡♡ CHAPTER 2: *unfinished*: Confession or a Joke?? ♡♡

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~~I added new Characters in here I'll post their names at the end of this Chapter~~

"Rei! The Alarm is ringing! Can you hear it?!?!" Rei Big brother said Angrily as he comes to her room.
He opened the door Hard and..."REI!!!!!! BLAH BLAH BLAH" he take off the blanket to Rei and Shout at her.
"AHH!! WHAT IS IT KYOU NII-SAN?!" Rei said angrily as she gets up from her bed.
He pinch her cheeks as Rei started Screaming like a pig and cry. "The clock, Rei I've been calling for you thousand times already but you didn't wake up! Look, the time!"
She look at the time in her alarm clock and he jumps and scream because of the time.... "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! It's 8:30 a.m!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!" she quickly go to the Rest room to wash up her face and brush her teeth then move to the room and push her Big brother outside to Change her Sleeping Clothes into a school uniform.
"Next time don't play video games again..." her Big Brother said and go down to the kitchen to continue cooking.


"Ohayo!!" Rei said as she comes to her seat right beside the window.
"Ohayo Rei-chan! Your late today. As unusual.." her Best friend said since elementary, Shu.
She Laugh as she seat to her chair. "Yeah, I kinda overslept haha..."
"Playing Video games again??" Shu said as he tease her.
"Baka! Don't tease me. And..... yeah haha" as she laugh the door opens.. She immediately turn her head infront and her eyes widen as she saw him...
"Starting from today your new homeroom teacher was him. Be nice to him..... Okay please introduce yourself sensei.
"I'm Nobuhiko Okamoto and starting today I'm your Homeroom teacher please take care of me from now on"
He smiles and all the girls started screaming. But then She stand up and caught everyone attention.
"You....." She said while the shock is still in her face.
"Yeah. Please take care of me from now on... um...." He opens his class attendance to look out for her name.
"Eto.. Mashiro Reika-chan" He smiles as Rei started blushing.
"Hai/Yes!" And She go back to her seat. Feeling all of her blood goes to her face.

As the Lunch Time starts I pull out my Bento out of my bag and eat.
"Rei-chan!" Shu said running towards me.
"Shu? What is it?" I said while putting my chopstick in my table.
"Wanna go eat in the Rooftop?" (It's cheesy guys I know but I can't think of any place but Rooftop XD!)
"Sure. I was also going to ask you too" I smiled at him and fix my Bento and go to the Rooftop.
As we Opened the door the Wind greet us. "Ahh! Wind feels good" while tucking up my hair to my ears. As I tuck my hair I notice that Shu keeps staring at me.
"Is their something wrong in me...." I ask him in a worried expression. but then something comes to my mind of why Shu keeps staring at me. Maybe my face has some dirth or I have pimple!
"Shu, do I have dirth in my face or Pimple?! Tell me!!" I was freaking out because I thought I have dirth or Pimples on my face (everyone freak out right when We have pimples or dirth in our face??) But Instead of hearing his answer i feel a peck in my cheeks that made my jump.... It's Shu who kiss my cheeks.....
"Heck?! What's with the kiss Shu?!" I was still freaking out because of it and made my head went blank.
He pull out some strands of my hair and smell it. And It made me Blush so hard like any seconds i'll go die.
I was about to push him but before I push him he tell something to me which made me stop from pushing him. It was.. "i keep staring at you because your just to pretty" ....... but I come back to my senses and push him.
"W-W-What the Hell..."
"Pff... your so funny Rei-chan!" He keeps laughing at me while me was still in shock.... A few minutes after before Shu talks again.
"But I'm not Joking Rei-chan. Your really pretty.." He tell me with a serious face. And made me look at him too.
*Ding Dong Ding Dong* before I spoke up the bell starts to ring it means the Lunch time is done and we have to go back to our classes.

{To be continued}

*haha I think It's much Cheesy from the Last Chapter haha.... anyways please rate if you like this chapter. And feel free to request~~*

New Characters:
Mashiro Kyou *Rei's big Brother*
Age: 16
Height: 1.76 m
Kashino Shu *Rei's Bestfriend since Elementary*
Age: 14
Height: 1.70 m


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