Chapter 1 Part 1

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Andy has just woken up from his slumber with a big smile of his face. He gets out of bed and changes clothes to get ready for the day. He walks out the front door locking it behind him, he was so excited to meet up and spent the day with his friends that he almost didn't notice a human girl sitting on the ground in front of his house all by herself. She has long blonde hair and gray eyes, she wore a black long sleeve shirt with a single white stripe in the middle along with blue jeans shorts, brown boots, and black strap on purse. She appears to be clueless on where she was and she appears to be looking around.

'Must be new around here! Guess I better go introduce myself!', Andy eagerly thought to himself.

He walks up to the girl and offers her his hand to help her up. She merely stares at him, she practically has no signs of emotion in her eyes. After what seems like forever, she finally takes his hand accepting the offer. She appears to be shorter than him.

"Hi! I'm Andy the Apple! What's your name?", Andy asked after introducing himself to her.

There was no response, she merely stared at him, but she did tilt her head to the head. This got Andy thinking as he had never met anyone mute before. Maybe she can't speak or just doesn't talk...? Whatever the reason, he can't make her nor would he force her to talk.

"Well welcome to my Apple Farm! It's so nice to meet you, new friend!", Andy happily welcomed her patting her hand.

"Let's go see how the others are doing!", Andy said before taking her hand and escorting to where the others were.

They went/walked left and they ended up seeing the others at the tables eating near the barn. Andy picked up the pace a bit.

"Hey fellas! What's up!?" Andy called out in happy tone waving at them.

The fish turned around to see Andy and his new companion heading his and the others way "Oh hey Andy, we're just having a picnic right now. Care to join us?" he asked.

"Of course I would!" Andy answered almost immediately dragging the girl behind him. Not that she was complaining or anything.

"Hello Andy!" everyone else greeted as they two take their seats, the girl was a bit reluctant to sit.

"Hiya Felix (the fish), Melody (the moon), Margret (the mole), and Claus (the clock)! So what are you all up to today?" Andy asked after greeting everyone, the human girl was studying the group while they spoke.

"Oh, we're just eating right now. Care for an apple?" Claus answers while offering Andy an apple, who went completely silent, but still had a smile on his face.

"Hey, after we eat we should play some games! Hey Andy, do you want to play with us?" Asked Melody.

"Of course I would!" Andy answers, the human just stared at the group, but was mainly staring at Claus, who notices her staring at him.

"Um...Andy...if you don't mind me asking, who is this?" Claus asked, he was a bit uncomfortable at the girl staring at him. Andy chuckled a bit.

"Oh right! Fellas I want you all to meet a new friend!" Andy beamed introducing the human girl, she gives him a short glance before turning her attention back to Claus.

"Oh why hello there new friend!" Melody greeted

No response

"What brings you by here man? You new around here?" Felix asked

No response

"Well welcome! Hope we get along swell!" Margret greeted

No response

"Yeah! Nice to meet you! Would you like an apple?" Claus greeted and asked a bit nervously as she was still staring at him, but was a little relieved when she stopped and started staring the apple he offered.

"Yeah...she's doesn't really all..." Andy explained a bit nervously himself as she was offered an apple.

"Well that's alright! Would you like to plag with us too, new friend?" Melody asked, they were all expecting her not to respond at all like before, but surprisingly she does by giving Melody a small nod ignoring the apple offer.

"Perfect! Each of us has a bonus sticker! Collect all of our bonus stickers and we'll give you a prize!" Margret explains while showing off a bonus sticker to the two.

"Oh wow. What's the prize?" Andy asked excited.

"That would break the surprise, would it not?" Claus asked making a fair point.

"Oh yeah, I guess you're right!" Andy replied sheepishly and lets it go. The girl seemed interested herself...a little bit...unexpectedly takes an juice box out of her purse and takes a sip.

"It's the keys to your house!" Felix blurted out thoughtlessly. The duo was taken a back. While Andy still had a smile on his face, he was shocked and disturbed by the news. It didn't take a genius to know how uncomfortable the apple is now. The human was taken a back too by having her eyebrows go up slightly, but simply went back to sipping on her juice box while listening and watching.

Andy just sat there in silence clearly disturbed, "You...took the keys to my house...?", he asked trying to keep his calm and not freak out.

Melody simply giggled in a casual manner, "Hehe! Yeah we did!" she answered clearing showing no remorse.

"BUT WHY WOULD YOU?", Andy asked, but he appears to be glitching like a video game.

"□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □Y O□ □ □ □ □ □U□ □ □ □ □ □ You gotta get all the bonus stickers to get it back!" Felix responded glitching like a video game as well before coming/going back to normal.

"Yeah! Don't fret! This'll be fun!" Margret chimed in as an attempt to cheer up Andy...or at least ease his nerves.

Andy then simply smiles... well smiles nervouy and says, "Well, if you say so! Let's play some games! Come on new friend, let's go play!" he says getting up along side with the girl, taking her hand and begin walking away while letting the others get ready/prepared. Though unknown to him and possibly the others, the human caught on to the glitch effect that happened to both Andy and Felix. It shocked her more than finding out that Andy's friends stole his keys, she was actually sitting there in shock and disbelief the whole time it happened, but still had that blank emotionless look on her face. Oh well...she'll play their little game and see how it goes down, but she wonders if any of them had noticed the glitch?

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