chapter 8

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AUTHORS NOTE*hey guys long time no see sorry about that ive been really busy and sorry my fanfiction isn't that great keep in mind this is my first one ok on with the story!

Zayns p.o.v

now that awkward visit to the office is over I get to go to music class I love music class its where I could express my feelings through something amazayn called song lol. As I walk in I see Lilly shes kinda cute but no one can compare to niall. Speaking of niall there the angel is. Too bad he wont talk to me. "Ok students everyone"the teacher said. "Alright so basically we are doing a music project I will put everyone in pairs alright Lilly and josh wanda and Jim Louis and Harry Liam and andie finally zayn and niall. YES omg omg omg I'm so omg omg omg I get pared up with niall. "Ok class you and your partner will pick a song and your choice of instrument and practice this project will be due in two weeks now get with your assigned partner and discuss your song and instrument selection "the teacher said. Niall came over and sat down and said "just because we are doing this project does not mean we will become anything "the angel said. "Ok so what instrument do you play"?niall continued. "I could play the traingle "I said. He tries to stifle a laugh but fails terribly SUCESS I just made niall laugh. "Fine since you think its so funny what do you play "I asked. "I play the guitar "he said. "Ok what do you want to sing I was thinking give me love by ed sheeran " I said. "Omg I love that song ok so ill go get me guitar and we will start " he said. Wow I'm kinda surprise besides the sweet greeting (hence the sarcasm) hes actually acting happy.


ok so yeah maybe I am a little excited to be partners with zayn maybe I could fix everything besides my terrible greeting but I just got so nervous uggg. I picked up my guitar but as I did the bell rang. Dang it! "Aye zayn we will practice tomorrow "I shouted across the room. "Okay"he replied.time to go back to the dreaded social studies ugggg


YAY I get pared up with my boobear. Well not mine but I wish he was those blue eyes just pull me in along with that feathery brown hair and those sus- "Harry are you ok ive been shouting your name for like 5 freaking minutes the bell rang a couple minutes "boobear said;) "oh yeah my bad what hold up are you okay Louis you seem distant "I said. The reason I said that is because he rarely calls me Harry and when he does theft hes either mad or worrying about something. "No I'm fine Harry I'm just thinking that's all " he said. "Its okay boobear I will always be there for you "isaid.

Louis P.O.V

That's all I needed to get my answer. "Could I try something "I said. He gave me a confused look and said "sure ". I put my lips on his and slowly started moving them and he started moving his too and then he slid his tongue across my lips and I granted we heard someone cough and we turned around to see the teacher so we left the class room. I felt zillions of sparks hes defiantly the "one ". "Harry Edward Styles will you be my boyfriend "? I said. "Yes ofcourse Lou I love you"he said. "I love you too " I said. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and we both went our seperate ways to class.BEST DAY EVER!


Omg did that just happened I pinched myself yep that just happened BEST DAY EVER!!!!!

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