"Yeah, he's going out with Sharon tonight. They've been nothing but a headache the last three days, sometimes I wish I lived alone."

"Wait, did they sign the form for tomorrow?" He asked in a panic.

"Sort of, I'm going though." I assured him.

He looked over to me puzzled as tried to regain my breath, the doors from one side of the gym started to creak open making us both look.

Clint walked in and stopped looking at the two of us sheepishly, we waved before he made his way over to us with a duffle bag across his torso.

"Hey kids, you look.. Sweaty." He said as he looked over the two of us close up.

"Yeah, thanks for noticing." I smiled.

"Looks like Steve worked you guys hard, though he didn't seem to happy when I passed him in the hall." He said dropping his bag to the floor.

"Date night." I rolled my eyes.

"Thats still a thing?" He asked almost in disgust.

"Yeah, why?" I asked as Peter had a small nap.

"She's just not his type, she's rude and obnoxious. Honestly, she's one of the most frustrating people to work with too."

"Wait, you worked with her?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Yeah, long time ago. She worked with my wife, thing was she was arrogant making it hard to work with her. The amount of time she'd make a call only for me to try and get us out of her mess, prepared me for having kids though that's for sure."

"Was gonna say, isn't that just you and Nat working together?" I giggled.

"Nat was at least reasonable most of the time, Sharon was just a pain. Though, she is a Carter so she's held up in high regard... Sadly."

I thought about Nat trying to find information on Sharon when she first started seeing dad, if Clint knew her personally why wouldn't she just go to him?

"Has Nat asked you about her?"

"Yeah, though my answers weren't what she was after." He chucked as he set up him quiver in his back.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, she came to me and I told her there was nothing I knew that she didn't already know. I try not to get close to people, my wife was the exception when I met her."

I smiled softly at him while he set up his bow, his home life was incredible considering how crazy his life was in Shield.

He use to tell me about when he was a full-time agent working with Fury, the risky missions and thrilling adventures he'd go on.

But all he wanted was a home, a family to come home to.

"How is everyone?" I asked.

"Good, thanks for asking." He smiled.

We hung around with him while he messed around with new arrow heads, Peter mainly just napped while I started questioning how the heads were made and of they were affective as throwing weapons.

My phone started playing Tom's Diner making me scuttle to get it out from my pocket, looking at my screen a picture of Jesse in his navy blue tuxedo with a huge grin popped up with his caller ID.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered.

"Hey, not much. Just wanted to see what you were up to? You working tonight?" He asked.

"No actually, last minute maintenance so they aren't playing tonight. What about you?"

"I'm working but only for an hour, I'm covering for one of the other waitresses. Did you want to hang out when I'm done?"

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