Kirigiri headed over to Y/N's direction and placed her cup of coffee on the table and taking a seat across him.

She said nothing and simply took a sip of her coffee while Y/N smiled at her, even offering her an oreo, to which she declined.

"It's quite rare for you to sit on the same table as me."
said Y/N

"It is the furthest from the noise, so I simply took advantage of it."

"Then it seems that luck is on my side today!"

Kirigiri glanced at Y/N.

"What do you mean...?"

He didn't answer, opting to just continue enjoying his sweets.

Ignoring both Owada and Ishimaru, the pair were able to enjoy their snacks and beverages quietly, as their attention slowly shifted from themselves, to the room around them since the cafeteria slowly, but surely, piled with students.

[Flashback End]

Kirigiri's recounting of the events earlier was interrupted by the sound of a glass shattering on the ground.

The source of said sound was from the Ultimate Gambler, Celestia Ludenburg, the contents of what was in the shattered cup spilling all over both the ground and table she's at.

"Wh-What are you doing, Rabbit?"
asked Hifumi Yamada nervously

Celeste sighed at the attempted nickname, before replying.

"I hate this kind of milk tea."
Dropping the broken piece of the handle, Yamada continued to sweat as Celeste's stare penetrated his very soul.

"I drink only royal milk tea, in which milk is used to draw out the flavor of the black tea."
She further explained as Yamada gave an attempt to reason with her.

"D-Don't be so---"

Her attitude turned a complete 180 as Yamada became scared for his life.

"Y-Your humble swine shall bring you your tea right away!"
Any hope for him to further reason with her had just been crushed, and the Fanfic Creator rushed to the kitchen to remake everything.

"I appreciate it."

Because of this, she gained quite the number of looks, even from Byakuya Togami.

Y/N simply gave a laugh at this.

"There she goes..."

He placed his chin on his hand, while that same arm rested it's elbows on the table.

Kirigiri somewhat became curious if the Gambler had done something similar to Y/N, but buried the thought since it didn't really help with anything.

Then the entire class suddenly heard the PA System go off. The screen opened to show Monokuma making an announcement.

"This is a PA broadcast, I repeat, PA Broadcast! All the students are to assemble in the gym immediately. Emergency, Emergency!!"

Y/N cupped his chin after this announcement, a gesture that brought curiousty to the person in front of him.

"What is it...?"
She asked, garnering the attention of the other students.

"Ah, no. I just thought that the Class Trials are a real-life interpretation of ratioing someone."
Said Y/N, laughing after he did.



"What the hell is wrong with you, man?"
asked Mondo Owada, taking a step back.

Ultimate!M!Reader x DanganronpaWhere stories live. Discover now