Getting to Know All About You

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The next few weeks went well for the group. They were use to working as a team by this point and having Hummer as an addition seemed to just be an added bonus. They maneuvered around each other in the air as if they had been flying together for years. Bradley had just finished his own hop when he made his way into the lounge to find Y/n, Phoenix and Bob who had taken the first hop earlier in the day. Rooster grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge in the corner of the room, passing by Y/n seated in one of the chairs pouring over a book in her lap.
"Hey Hummer." As he retracted his hand from the fridge he realized the woman hadn't responded. He made his way toward her and noticed her hearing aids laying beside her on the table. He walked around into her line of vision and waved to her so she noticed him without startling her, and when she did she smiled and waved back. He seated himself in the chair across from her as he watched her put her hearing aids in.
"Sorry Roo, you were talking to me weren't you?" He chuckled at her shy smile,
"Nothing much just was saying hi, is it too loud in here for you or you just taking a hearing break?" He had a worried expression on his face as he asked which caused her heart to warm,
"No, just a break. It isn't too loud in here now that Hangman and Coyote went to get changed." Rooster nodded in understanding,
"Well if you want to continue your break I can spot for you? Or I think we're done for the day if you wanted to go get something to eat? Unless you had plans already..." she smiled at the pink on his cheeks as he stuttered through his thoughts out loud,
"That would be nice. I think I'll shower and get changed first though. Meet me outside in 45 minutes?" The woman swore she had never seen him smile so wide in the weeks since she met him,
"Yes ma'am, I'll see you soon."

The two parted ways and true to his word Rooster was waiting by his Bronco 43 minutes later and was met with the sight of Y/n emerging from the door to the locker room. She was a form fitting pair of jeans and a plain black T-shirt paired with a black set of Doc Martens. He was glad her casual choice of dress would match his own jeans and Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned over a white wife beater. She smiled when she saw him and he opened the passenger side door, allowing her to slip inside and buckle up before he closed the door behind her. Climbing into the drivers seat he turned toward her,
"So, what are you in the mood for?" She pondered for a moment pressing her lips together causing the cutest pair of dimples to emerge in her cheeks that Bradley swore would be the death of him one day,
"Breakfast! I really really love breakfast..." he smiled at the giddy look that was plastered across her face at her choice,
"Whatever the lady wants."

They drove for a few minutes in silence before Rooster decided to ask a burning question,
"So I can't help but to notice your affinity for the color black? Black shoes, black shirts, your sunglasses are black along with your nails. Are you secretly from Transylvania and this is part of your evil plot to get to drink my blood?" the woman in the passenger seat threw her head back in a full blown laugh at his question.
"How did you find out about my sinister plan?! No, not from Transylvania pretty far from it actually I'm from South Carolina. But I really loved superhero's as a kid especially Batman. When I was growing up I really related to him because I lost my parents when I was young, so I guess his proclivity for black kind of transferred over as a personality trait for me." She shrugged at her response and he noticed her slightly withdraw into herself toward the end clearly not use to talking about herself,
"I liked them as a kid too don't worry. I'm sorry about your parents, I lost my dad when I was young and my mom passed in high school so I know where your coming from." He replied as they pulled into the parking lot of a diner closest to the base. She smiled in return as they climbed out and made their way inside.

Bradley was extremely amused throughout the meal at Y/n's explanation to why she liked pancakes more than waffles and why the chocolate chips inside with strawberries on top were a must. Back in the Bronco they both rolled down their windows as they headed back toward the house Hummer was staying in on base for the time being that was just down the block from Roosters own. She suddenly became very serious as she turned to him,
"Question. Do you have CDs in here?" He leaned over to pop open the glove box for her and watched as she dug around until she found one, pulled it from the case and pushed it into the player.
"Wanna see something that I think is really cool?" He nodded as he met her eyes that seemed to be sparkling even in the low light. He watched as the black devices in her ears were removed and the volume knob turned up high as the opening notes to "Bang Your Head" by Quiet Riot bounced around the small cab.
"Can you feel it?? This is my favorite thing to do, sometimes it's just as fun to feel the music as it is to listen to it!" He offered her the biggest smile in response to her almost yelled explanation over the loud music and nodded his own head along her own to the beat.

The song ended just as they arrived in the driveway in front of her house. He turned off the engine and turned toward her.
"Thank you for showing me that, I definitely have a new appreciation for this song now. And thank you for coming to dinner with me, it was really nice to get to know you alittle better. I'd like to do it again sometime if your okay with that?" Both their cheeks flushed slightly pink as she replied,
"Definitely. Thanks for inviting me, I had a really nice time Roo. I'll see you in the morning for the briefing?" He nodded,
"For sure. Goodnight Y/n..." she smiled at his use of her first name as she closed the door behind her.
"Goodnight Bradley..." she made her way up the path to her front door, passing though and closing it behind her but not before offering him a wave from inside. He waved in return and waited until he saw the upstairs light turn on before he backed out of her drive and headed toward his own home. And if he replayed the song just how she had played it for him shortly before, no one would ever have to know.

Words Left Unsaidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें