Getting to Know You

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The next morning saw the aviators back in the hanger, Hummer sitting in the row behind Phoenix and Bob with Rooster sitting in the row behind her. They were briefed by Maverick on the exercise for the day and they were dismissed to complete their preflight routines.

Y/n was walking slightly ahead and Rooster hesitated for a moment before quickening his steps to reach her, placing a light hand on her shoulder. She turned toward him fiddling with one of the black devices he finally noticed seated behind both her ears.
"Uh hi...I just, wanted to introduce myself properly. I'm Bradley. Sorry about last night I didn't realize.." he motioned toward his own ear and she gave him a smile.
"Oh it's okay, most people don't. Phoenix told me you thought I was ignoring you, I'm really sorry about that. Loud noise bothers me still so if the places I am are too loud I usually take my hearing aids out and either read lips or just use sign language. It's nice to meet you Bradley, I'm Y/n." She stuck her hand out and shook his firmly, he was surprised to hear the lilt of a Southern accent on her tongue as she spoke. He smiled back at her, enjoying the feeling of her small hand in his.
"Probably should go get settled, see you in the sky Roo." She winked at him before walking off toward her own jet leaving him blushing in her wake.

Rooster and Hummer were paired with Phoenix, Bob, and Hangman for the first exercise. This time the single seater duo were against Hangman and Phoenix as bogies, the first team out loses. They got off to a good start until Hangman caught up and took off hard on Roosters tail.
"Where's your wingman there Bradshaw? Nobody to save you now." Just as his finger hovered over the trigger to get tone he heard a strange melodic sound come over the comms as a streak of F-18 broke between he and Rooster giving the other pilot the chance to break away.
"What the hell was that?" Hangman quickly changed direction to give chase to the new jet in his sights. Phoenix let out a smug chuckle,
"Fellas, now you know why we call her Hummer. You'll hear her before you ever see her coming and when she's on, she's one of the best you'll ever see."

The group of aviators landed not long after, with Rooster and Hummer emerging as the victors. Once she had climbed down and removed her helmet allowing her long braid to cascade down her back, the others made their way over to the small pilot.
"Where did you learn how to fly like that?" Y/n shrugged,
"Lots of practice? Being the only girl has its perks I suppose. Pushes you harder to achieve." She gave them a squinted smile in the bright sun as she fitted the black devices back into her ears to carry on the conversation.

Rooster hung slightly behind as he watched the others walk back into the base toward the locker room trying to calm his racing heart at the realization of just how quickly he was falling for this unique woman. When he made his way through the door and around the corner to his locker he was met with the sight of a half naked Y/n. He couldn't pull his eyes away from her shirtless chest as her flight suit hung unzipped around her waist. He could hardly keep from making an audible groan at the sight of her tanned skin and hint of a tan line at the edge of her black bra that was pressing her breasts together in a way that had his own suits crotch feeling a little too tight. Phoenix gave him a gentle nudge on her way by and he was quickly brought back to the present and turned to collect his things to go have the coldest shower he possibly could.

Words Left UnsaidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon