First steps

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Hailey POV

I wake up to this sweet girl still in my arms. I decided to just lay there for a minute when I hear my phone vibrating.

I quietly and gently move Sophie out of my arms and exit her room. I answer my phone "Hey Adam what's up?"

He replies "I have bagels, coffee for you and hot chocolate for the kid. Come to your door."

I hang up the phone and open the door. Adam comes in and puts the food and drinks on the table. I grab his hand and take him back outside my door.

He removes his hand "Hailey what's up? Why did we come back outside?"

"Look Adam breakfast was super thoughtful. But that kid in there has been through hell. In the last 48 hours her life as changed a lot. I don't want to overwhelm her with people. She's anxious and jumpy but given everything I don't blame her. I love this but for now I need some time to let her adjust. In a couple days we will evaluate how things are going and if it's good you can come hang out. I still want to see you but it is just going to look different for a couple of days okay?" I said as I pull myself into his arms.

"Hailey, I get it. I'm sorry I shouldn't have assumed. I get why you did this, but for the record I wish you would've given me a heads up about taking the kid in instead of me hearing about it from Kim after the fact." He said before giving me kiss on my forehead. After the kiss he takes a step back "Bye Hailey, I'll talk to you later. Let me know if you need anything." And with that he walks to his car and I head back inside.

I walk back to Sophie's room coffee in hand to check on her. I lay my head against the door frame watching her sleep. I was just about to turn around and leave when I hear a noise.

"Mmm is that coffee I smell?" Sophie said sitting up.

"Well good morning to you too. And it is coffee." I said as I sat on the bed.

"Awesome! Thanks Hailey" Sophie said reaching for my coffee.

I pull my coffee back and reply "Woah, woah hold on. Sophie this coffee is for me, you are way to young for coffee."

"No way... Hailey you can't make a girl go cold turkey I'm pretty sure that's bad for my health or something." Sophie whined.

"Yeah nice try but not happening. However, there is hot chocolate and bagels in the kitchen for you." I tell her.

"Hot chocolate and bagels work too. Thank you." Sophie said as she headed towards the kitchen.

I followed Sophie into the kitchen. I place the hot chocolate and bagel in front of her. I was about to talk to her about our plans for the day when she went pale as a ghost looking freaked out.

"Sophie, kiddo what's wrong, do you feel okay?" I ask.

"Y... yyy... you have my file." Sophie spoke as she stuttered referring the folder laying on the counter.

I nod "Yes, your social worker gave it to me last night.  Why are you upset I have your file?"

"Because the moment you read that file you will realize how screwed up I am, how broken I am and you will send me away. It happens in all the good homes." Sophie stated while trying to hide the fact there were tears rolling down her cheeks.

I cautiously approach Sophie and ask "Can I give you a hug?" She doesn't make eye contact with me but slowly nods her head yes.

I wrap her in my arms and tell her "Sophie nothing and I mean nothing in that file will make me give up on you. You are not disposable. Sophie we all have our issues. Yesterday, you told me "Hailey you can't imagine what it's like to be hit." And I told you I did. But what I didn't tell you was that it was my Dad that hit me. I may not understand or relate to everything you've gone through but I do understand that. And it's not your fault. It's not your fault! Those things in your file they aren't your fault. After reading your file I will talk to you. But again no matter what I read in that file will change my decision on you staying here, okay?"

Sophie nods "Okay.... And Hailey I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Thanks kiddo. Now how would you feel about doing a little shopping today? We can go look for furniture and decor for your room. We can get some clothes and lunch. Would that be cool?" I ask.

"Sure but you know you don't have to do this. I don't have any money to pay you back you know." Sophie said trying to avoid any eye contact.

"I know I don't have to and I want to. You don't need to worry about paying me back. Sophie part of my job as your guardian is to make sure your taken care of and my goal is to make this place feel like a home for you not just some random place your staying. I know it may be hard but let me do this for you and don't worry about the cost. Okay?"

Sophie nodded her head and said okay. So with that we were off shopping.

Author's note: sorry for the delay in updates this chapter was hard to write. There has been a lot going on personally. This was short chapter but it's to set the basic of a storyline and a much longer next chapter. Hope you enjoyed let me know what you think. 💕

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