Chapter 19 - Birthday girl

Start from the beginning

"Hey at least I smell nice now" Y/N says "you guys didn't seem to have to common decency to wait til I arrive to give Hermione her presents"

Harry chuckles "well you do take a good fifteen minutes on average in the shower"

Y/N frowns at Harry "I do not"

"You do" Flo says "the girls in the Ravenclaw common room all rush to have a shower before you cause you take forever"

"All of you are gits" Y/N mumbles

The group laugh whilst Y/N comically pouts. Hermione giggles and kisses Y/N's cheek causing the Ravenclaw girl to blush and a smile forms on her lips.

"Thank you for the flowers baby" Hermione says "they're beautiful"

"I'm glad you liked them" Y/N replies with a mischievous smirk on her lips "but that wasn't your actual gift"

"What?" Hermione says a little surprised

"Did you really think I would just get you flowers for your birthday" Y/N chuckles "you wound me Granger"

Hermione swats her arm playfully "Oh shut up. You know I would've been happy with flowers"

"I know but I can do better and plus, you deserve so much more than just flowers" Y/N replies then pulls a small envelope out of her pocket and hands it to her girlfriend "happy birthday Hermione"

"Wow Y/N, all that wealth you've got sitting around and you get your girlfriend the smallest gift here" Callan says "you've gotten slack"

"How dare you Florence" Y/N says and Flo is surprise by her friend referring to her by her full name "just wait and see"

Hermione opens the envelope and takes out two tickets. Her eyes go wide with surprise and she grins widely

"Oh my god I don't believe it!" Hermione says grinning ear to ear looking at like she just won the lottery.

"Hermione what is it" Jorden asks

"Its two tickets to see Romeo and Juliet early next year at the Victoria Palace Theatre" Hermione explains then looks to her girlfriend who has a playful smirk on her lips "Y/N I thought they were all sold out. My parents tried to get me tickets weeks ago"

"I know I had these tickets reserved a few months in advance" Y/N explains "then I found out your parents were trying to get you tickets, so I had to write a letter to them to explain that I had already got you tickets"

Hermione grins "so sneaky"

"Its during the Christmas holidays so I thought it would a perfect opportunity to take you, since I know how much you like this play" Y/N says with a grin "this birthday gift also includes dinner at a one of the fanciest restaurants in London as well staying the night at The Corinthia"

"The Corinthia, Y/N that's one of the most expensive places in all of London" Hermione says still in complete shock and Y/N smirks

"Exactly" the Ravenclaw says

"Well damn" Flo says and Ron laughs

"You gonna revoke your last comment Flo" Ron says and Flo rolls her eyes

"Shut it Ronald" Flo responds then drinks her pumpkin juice "wealthy prick" she mumbles under her breath and Y/N laughs

"Hey Y/N could you buy me a castle for my birthday" Jorden asks with cheeky grin and Y/N laughs

"I'll have to think about it" Y/N says and Jorden fist pumps the air, I little too excited about Y/N's comment.

The others laugh snd Y/N smiles. She places her hand on Hermione's thigh "do you like it"

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