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before we start, i'm asking you to keep in mind that i'm not a doctor nor am i smart enough to understand stuff i read on google.. so if any of this chapter is inaccurate, just close your eyes!


"Della Anderson? Is there a Della Anderson?" the receptionist calls out as Harry and I sit cuddled up in the corner of the doctors office waiting room. We both take in a sharp breath and stand, Harry placing his hand on my lower back to stabilize me.

"Yes, we're right here," Harry announces when it takes me a minute to find my footing, not wanting the receptionist to move to the next patient because we didn't make ourselves known immediately.

"I'm okay," I whisper when Harry holds on to my waist tightly, nudging his hands off of me. Ever since I began getting sick he's been very protective and always feels like he has to do something to help me, which is endearing in a way, but also overwhelming, especially today. This morning was completely different from the rest. Usually it's throwing up a few times and feeling tired throughout the day, but today I feel completely out of it, I could barely stand just now without Harry's assistance.

When I woke up and nearly fainted, there was nothing stopping Harry from getting me to the doctors.

Harry and I both make our way up towards the receptionist desk and once we're there, the doctor steps out from the room and greets us both with a large smile "Della, hello. I'm Dr. Ryans, let's get you guys in here," she says happily as she waves us both into the room she had just come out of.

I only have enough energy to give her a small wave and follow her into the room, Harry quickly helping me get up on the bed once we both enter and then taking a seat in the corner of the room, his knee bouncing uncontrollably. "Alright, while I take your blood pressure why don't you tell me what brings you in today?" Dr. Ryans asks as she wraps the cuff around my bicep and begins inflating it until it is extremely tight around my arm.

I swallow harshly and shake my head, trying to gather all of my thoughts. "For nearly two weeks now I've been throwing up almost every morning and I've felt very fatigued all day. Today has been worse though, I can barley think straight," I say with a small laugh as she checks my blood pressure results and pulls the cuff off of my arm.

She grabs a clip board and begins writing down what I just told her, I'm assuming before looking back up at me. "When was your last menstrual cycle?" she asks, tapping the tip of her pen against the paper as she waits for my answer.

I furrow my brows as I think, not remembering the last time I had a period. Which isn't uncommon, my periods are extremely irregular. "Maybe three weeks ago," I shrug and pick at my nails.

She nods and writes down my answer. "Okay, any chance of pregnancy?" she asks, as a formality I assume.

I shake my head. "No, I'm infertile," I answer honestly, knowing it's probably best that she knows if she hadn't saw that in my records already. She shoots me a sympathetic look which rocks me to my core, I hate seeing that look when I tell people.

"Got it. So first things first, I'm going to collect a urine sample from you just to see if anything lights up. What you described could possibly be a kidney infection," she says as she sets her clipboard down and begins making her way toward the door. "I'm going to go grab everything for that, in the meantime put this on for me love," she says as she pulls out a gown and hands it to me before leaving the room.

Once the door shuts behind her, I hop off of the bed to get undressed and Harry is quick to stand up and help me. "Kidney infections suck, but they're easily cured," he says softly as I step out of my sweat pants and he helps me put my arms through the holes in the gown.

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