Presents! Hooray!

Start from the beginning

Exhausted, Rory finally escaped and joined the band. After a particularly difficult piece on the flute, Rory stepped away towards the refreshment table.

"I knew I would find you here!" A female voice called.

Rory turned around and saw her three godmothers: Flora , Fauna and Merryweather. With a squeal she greeted each one of them with a big hug.

"Well you know me," Rory said, "I follow where the music goes."

"Huh, where have I heard that before?" Fauna teased.

"Hardy har," The youngest brunette rolled her eyes, " Just one dance. I want to spend one dance doing something for myself. Not pleasing princes and lords and dukes who don't care about me."

"It's not so bad," Merryweather consoled, forever being the more emphatic out of the sisters, "One more  dance and it be over." 

"Who is it this time?" Rory groaned.

"Prince Leif ," Flora commented with a scowl.  All four of them knew they were talking about the snobbish, self absorbed prince from Galma. Last time Roy had seen him, the prince had drawn on and on about his accomplishments and whenever Rory tried to say something, he dismissed her. The cherry on top, was when the prince referred to music as a hobby for the commoners not for royalty.

Rory's face, which was resigned before, turned into panic. 

"I'm not here," Rory stammered, " Tell him I moved to Ettismoor and became a nun." 

" He is standing right here," Flora rolled her eyes.

"She is right, he  is not buying that," Faryn agreed. 

"Oh please," Rory rolled her eyes, " He is too busy staring at himself to notice me."

With those words, Rory ran away into the nearest doors. The faeries watched in amusement as their goddaughter ran away from her problems.

"She learned that from you Flora," Merryweather said, "And you are going to explain that to Dori and Stephan."

Rory found herself on the balcony alone. Nobody will notice her presence here. She admired the beautiful blue moon and the ethereal glow it casted on the sea and the sand.  A light summer breeze caressed her gently washing away the hands of the men she previously danced with.  The smell of salt permeated the air and Rory inhaled. Here with the best view at Cair Paravel, she felt at peace.

Her sanctuary was disrupted by someone tripping.  Rory squeaked in fear.  The boy stood up rapidly, and shifted his weight in embarrassment. Rory finally looked at the intruder and she frowned. She couldn't really make out his features despite the bright moon glow. Only thing she noticed was  sunflower blonde hair.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," He stuttered , "It's just so loud out there... I need fresh air. And you looked so peaceful , I didn't want to disturb you so I tried to go back ... with very interesting results."

Rory covered her mouth with her hand. Trying hard to conceal her giggles. The poor boy was scared to death but darned , he was adorable.

"It's alright," Rory smiled "I just nearly died of a heart attack, nothing new."

"Now you are trying to make me feel awful," He smiled back, gaining a bit more boldness with each barb exchanged. 

"Is it working?" Rory teased.

"Well," The boy said exaggeratedly , "I don't like scaring pretty girls with my carelessness."

Rory flushed pink but raised her chin proudly. If the man wanted wit, he would get it. She stepped closer, never taking her eyes off the boy.

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