My bestfriend

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My name is Sarah and I love all my friends but I'm in love with my best friend and not love like friend love like IN LOVE. My best friend's name is Mikey, he is my everything but he doesn't know it. We have been friends for a looooong time and it's been forever that I have loved him. (( School)) ::::::
I'm walking down the hall as I see Mikey, he looks at me and smiles. "hey" he said as I smiled back, " hey". He looks at his phone with a worried look on his face. Me: what's wrong, Mikey: my mom can't pick me up today do you think I can get a ride? " of course," I said. He smiled and gave me a "friend" hug and walked away.
Later that day school ended and the bell rang. Mikey was already staring in front of my class. "That was fast" I said, " I asked my teacher to let me out early" he said laughing. Biting my tongue because I love his laugh so much. We walked to the car and he asked if he could come to my house for a little bit. Fighting the urge to scream and say yes I calmly said "sure". As soon as we get to my house we went to my room. We sat on my bed with him on the left and me on the right just like when we were kids. He looks at me and said "So look I need some dating advice do you think you can help me?"

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