Chapter 2

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"Fucking help him now!!" an angry loud voice growled out

"We're trying to. Nurse we need 20cc of Moriceen ,the wolf's bane is making him lose color." Someone ordered above my pounding head

"Well you're doing a terrible job! why is he losing color?!" The same angry voice said again, sending chills through my body, which I just now realized, was paralyzed.

"Alpha please we need silence to concentrate." a new skittish voice replied

"Don't ever tell me what to do when it comes to my mate!" Mate? What's all this talk about mates, nurses and losing color?

"We need to put him under again." where the f*ck am I and who the f*ck are they talking about? I swear if I don't get.......


This is the second time they've drugged him. They're really pushing my wolf's patience.

Right before I can ask them again why they were taking so long, I caught a scent before I actually saw what it was. they were taking blood out of him! A lot actually! before I had time to wring their necks, my betas were holding me back, "Alpha Adrian," -the head doctor said hastily- "the blood is needed for him to heal the less in his system the better," the doctor continues to try explain to me why the process was important but my wolf wouldn't listen.

Furious, loud growls abruptly cut off the doctor and before I know it Brett and Brian's father was there; saying that he was sorry and that something was necessary before sticking me with a needle, obviously injecting the same drugs they gave my mate into me.

* The Next Day *


The first thing I saw when I woke up were the most intense eyes I've ever seen. A second later I realized the eyes not only belonged to a male but also a male that was straddling my lower region, which had been stripped bare, as we lied in a bed.

"Finally your awake my love but first things first, your giving me what I've needed since I've seen you yesterday." he said in the sexiest voice I have ever heard. Wait. Who the hell is he and did he DRUG me?! I'm sure as hell gonna kill him, even though I smell alpha blood on him, because adding on to that fact, he's smirking. And I'm pretty sure it's at my dick that's betraying me by getting as hard as wood.

"Who the fuck are you? Also, if you don't remove yourself from my body, my d*ck won't be the only hard thing you'll feel." I spat with as much venom as I could muster into my voice.

I hear a loud growl before he replies "You will not talk to your mate and future Alpha like that! I sense that due to your reputation, one that I know all too well, I might have to force you to submit.

But just letting you know, my wolf is never gentle." he had taken on a calm and emotionless voice.

To anyone else it would have made you think carefully about your next words but since I don't take shit from anyone I simply replied, "I don't want a mate especially not a spoiled alpha like you. as I've said before move now or I won't think twice about killing you." I said in an equally calm and emotionless voice yet mine was laced with promised.

Before I had time to react he shifted and turned into a glorious black wolf that pinned me down onto the bed. "Submit willingly before I force you to." he all but growled out. I tried to shift or move but I still felt paralyzed from that dream I had earlier. However, I still wasn't giving up without a fight "No." I gritted out, annoyed at him for not moving. Little did I know those words would change my life more than ever, even worse than the day I left my pack. He marked me unwillingly. The pain and crazy hormones that came with it was unbearable, even the few seconds within the bite was bad and nothing but having sex with him would change that.

Literally, fuck my life.


Soo I hope you guys liked this update because i had like the hardest time forming sentences and I have no idea why but please vote and leave comments it would mean a lot to know how you guys feel about this chapter

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