At the same time the first bullet is fired, Haela shoots forward so she is in front of Suzy and casts a protection spell. The bullets freeze in the air before they hit her or the dragon behind her and Haela sends a Stunner towards the man. It hits its target in the chest and the man falls back, his rifle clattering onto the rock.

Haela takes a few steps forward and scans the ravine for more assailants, but it seems like the man is alone.

As she wants to turn back around to alert the others about what happened, she hears someone call out something. Haela realises what the warning is for the moment she sees Suzy turn her head towards her and let out a deafening roar. The noise makes Haela tremble in her shoes. She is eye to eye with an enormous dragon and when Haela sees Suzy opening her mouth, she acts on instinct, ducking down and casting the strongest protection spell she knows.

Suzy shoots a jet of fire at Haela and in extension, the Muggle down the ravine, although the man is too far away to get hit. Even through her shield, Haela can feel the scorching heat on her face and bare arms. She squeezes her eyes shut and makes herself as small as she possibly can, covering her head with her arms, and praying that her spell can withstand the attack.

Time seems to stand still as Haela crouches there and for the first time in her life, she wonders if Acelina was right all along. Maybe she should rethink her actions.

A hand on her shoulder helps Haela back to the present and when she opens her eyes, she is looking right into Charlie's blue eyes. He is saying something, Haela realises as she watches his mouth move, but the words aren't registering in her mind.

The dragon has disappeared, Haela notices vaguely. Charlie is still speaking and Haela blinks a few times at the man. He, too, has crouched down and is holding Haela's hand. She hadn't realised until now that she is clutching the man's hand as if it were her lifeline.

Charlie looks away from Haela and up at someone standing on their left. Slowly, Haela's mind is getting back online, and she registers a glimpse of the conservation: "...shock, Charlie, she almost got incinerated."

"Merlin's beard," Haela manages to get out which makes the conversation halt. Charlie turns back to her and stares at her as a laugh bubbles up out of Haela. Almost hysterical, Haela laughs as the realization of what happened finally settles in. She almost got incinerated by a dragon. Acelina is going to kill her if she hears about this.

When she has finally calmed down and moved to sit on the ground instead of crouching, she looks up at the people around her. All colour in Kadrick's face has left, which is impressive as the man's skin is a rich brown colour, and for a moment, Haela thinks he is going to faint. Charlie is still crouching beside her while the other Dragonologists are talking over each other, arguing about what happened.

"What were you thinking?" Charlie asks, worry and anger laced through his voice, "We rescued Suzy from an abusive home. She reacts badly on spells being performed in her vicinity."

"There was a man," Haela answers, suddenly remembering she has an explanation for her actions. She wants to scramble up, but Charlie's hand on her shoulder stops her.

"A man?"

"A Muggle," Haela clarifies, "He- he had a rifle and-"

She points in the direction of the ravine where she had seen the Muggle climbing towards her and Suzy and when she looks at her hand, Haela realises she is still shaking.

Kadrick and Josué immediately get their wands out and take off in the direction Haela pointed in. She sees Charlie look up concerned at the other Dragonologists. It doesn't take long before Kadrick and Josué return, without the man, but with the rifle he had been carrying.

"He's gone," Kadrick says.

"I stunned him," Haela protests, "He should be lying there unconscious!"

"It's concerning that a Muggle with a rifle tried to attack you and Suzy," Isaac says. Everyone looks up at the man as he anxiously rubs his wrists.

"He could have been a wizard wielding Muggle weapons," Aurora suggests but both Kadrick and Josué shake their head. Kadrick eyes Haela and says: "If he was a wizard, he would have protected himself when Haela stunned him."

"Unfortunately, we can't ask him," Josué adds, "Since he is gone."

"But- I saw him!" Haela says, turning to Charlie who nods, "I swear he was there. I'm not imagining things."

Charlie squeezes Haela's hand lightly, "We believe you. Hey, Haela, relax, we believe you."

Haela nods feverishly, shaking a little. Charlie stands back up, letting go of her hand, and Haela mourns the loss for a moment before Charlie grabs her upper arms to help her back onto her feet.

"Let's get you to Phillip," he murmurs as he helps Haela stand, "The burns on your arms need to be treated."

"No, wait," Haela protests as she is being led away. She turns to look over her shoulder at the others and tries to get out of the supporting grip Charlie has on her, "We need to-"

"I know," Charlie says softly as he continues to steer Haela away from the others, "And we will, but your arms need to be treated."

They haven't gotten very far when Isaac's voice stops them: "Charles, I need you as air support. We need to find Suzy and possibly the Muggle."

A conflicted look falls over Charlie's face as he looks between Haela and Isaac. He seems to be debating what he should do, and Haela decides to make the decision for him. She places a hand on his shoulder and nods, "You should go."

Charlie opens his mouth to protest but Haela shakes her head. "There could be more Muggles hunting down Suzy. Really, Charlie, I'll be fine. Go help Isaac from the sky."

Aurora comes walking up to them and makes a move to take Haela over from Charlie. Haela would have been offended to be treated like a wounded bird if her arms hadn't started burning as the adrenaline is starting to wear off. Charlie still looks thorn but when he looks back at Isaac, his shoulders slump.

"Haela will be in the medical tent when you return," Aurora says in a soft tone, "She's not going anywhere. I'll make sure of that."

Haela is about to protest nobody is going to make her do anything, but Aurora's words seem to help Charlie as he lets go of Haela and takes a step back. He turns around and heads to Isaac who seems to have summoned Charlie's broom.

"Don't touch anything that looks slightly off," Haela calls after him, "At least not with your bare hands!"

Charlie turns around and salutes at her before accepting his broom from Isaac.

The pain in her arms has flared up and Haela decides the medical tent is indeed the place she needs to be. Aurora smiles softly at her as they walk to the camp and when Haela looks back over her shoulder, she sees Charlie taking off and flying up the mountains in search of Suzy. Phillip is already waiting for her and Haela lets the Healer take care of the burns and blisters on her arms.

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