"Do you think that's how Darios got cursed?"

"I'm beginning to think he got poisoned instead," Haela answers, securing the vial to her belt and taking off her gloves again.

"Why would a poacher want to poison one of the Dragonologists?" Charlie ponders out loud as they complete walking the perimeter. It's almost completely dark by now and the chill in the air is getting to Haela. The question roams through her mind as she gets ready for bed.

The next morning, Haela is out of bed early for once. Kadrick is fast asleep as she gets dressed and heads outside. Haela is counting on the medical tent having enough supplies to figure out what the sticky liquid is she collected last night. If not, she'll have to write Jeanette for an analysis back at the Ministry in London, but that might take too long. She has some ideas about what it could be, and if she is right, Darios might not have long before the poison will have harmed his body too much to recover from.

The air is chilly as Haela walks towards the medical tent, but inside, it's pleasantly warm. The brown-haired Dragonologist is still unconscious and Haela spots the thin layer of sweat on the man's forehead. She's no Healer but even she knows a fever is never a good sign. From one of the tables, she gets a washcloth and wets it with a flick of her wand. Carefully, she places it on the man's forehead before heading over to the table where she has spotted a cauldron.

Browsing through the supplies and storage of the medical tent, Haela gets to work. She's deep in thought and doesn't notice the other person in the tent until they're standing right in front of her.

"Good morning," Charlie chirps.

His voice makes Haela look up to see the man smiling at her. Over Charlie's shoulder, she can see Phillip busy with changing the washcloth on Darios' forehead and when her eyes snap back to Charlie's face, she notes that his ever-present grin widens.


Haela accepts the mug gratefully and takes three sips before sighing.

"I'm told I'm a godsend."

A snort escapes Haela, "Who told you that? Your mother?"

Laughter sounds from the other side of the tent and both Haela and Charlie turn to see Phillip snickering. The man is trying to hide his laughter with his hand and waves away the looks they send him. Haela turns back to Charlie, only to see him glaring daggers at the Healer.

"Don't you have to check up on your dragons?" Haela asks, taking another sip.

Charlie shrugs, "Yes, but I wanted to check up on you as well. How is it going?"

He leans forward to peer into the cauldron. Haela continues stirring and the liquid inside turns a few different shades of purple before turning the palest of pink. She hums and keeps stirring with her wand as she notes down the change on the parchment beside the cauldron.

"It's been years since I did something with potions," Charlie says with an apologetic tone which makes Haela look back up.

"I'm almost sure the main content is Grindylow blood. It must be infused with something more deadly, but I'm not sure what it is," she explains as Charlie looks between the cauldron and her.

A growl sounding outside sets the man moving again. He bids her good luck and Haela thanks him for the coffee as he walks backwards. When he passes Phillip, the Healer asks: "Where is my coffee, Weasley, huh? You can't only bring coffee to the curse specialist and not to me."

Charlie shrug apologetic at the man. He turns around to wave at Haela but as he takes a step back, he trips over one of the crates that have been piled in the middle of the tent. Haela laughs as Charlie tries to regain his balance. The man's head snaps up and a blush creeps up his neck, matching the red of his hair. Quickly, Charlie turns around and steps out of the tent while Phillip and Haela holler with laughter.

The rest of the morning, Haela continues dissecting the contents of the sticky residue she found on the beacon. She brings in Kadrick and Josué for a second opinion, but they conclude the same thing. Grindylow blood infused with Acromantula venom. When Phillip hears that, he immediately starts making an antidote as Kadrick, Josué, and Haela head over to the broken-down beacon to remove the remaining poison.

The sun is slowing setting as they are heading back to the camp. As they walk, Josué nudges Kadrick and gestures down the hill, "I bet you wouldn't care to get close to that beast."

The dragon Josué is gesturing to is metallic grey in colour and even from where they are standing, its wingspan is immense. Haela spots Isaac petting the dragon's long neck as it leans into the touch.

"What breed is that?" Haela asks.

Josué shrugs, "An Ukrainian Ironbelly, I believe. For more information, you should ask my sister. She is the dragon-fanatic of the family."

Kadrick shakes his head, face paling a little as he regards the dragon, "No way in hell am I getting close to that thing."

Haela laughs, "I didn't know you were afraid of dragons, Wheeler."

"Come on," Josué tries, "Three galleons if you dare to get within ten feet."

"There isn't enough money in the world that will get me close to that," Kadrick shakes his head frantically, "I'm fine right here."

Josué's face falls and he opens his mouth to say something, but Haela beats him, "Five galleons if I get within three feet."

The heads of the two Hit Wizards snap to her. Josué looks her up and down, impressed, while Kadrick starts shaking his head in protest. Before her friend can voice his protest, Josué holds out his hand for Haela to shake.

"Deal, Peucag. Three feet."

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