Cold Heart - Akame Ga Kill

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Kanade stood above them all, her followers, those to thought little of her, and them... Night Raid. 

" Ahaha! " She laughed menacingly. " Ahh... what a strong sense of power, is that who I think it is? " She questioned. Kanade lightly crossed her arms, bumping up her chest and looking down at the blue-haired female. Placing a hand to her chest she began to feel the warmth from just the thought of the strong General. 

The Emperor had exploded, the rebellion started... Tatsumi was a traitor in the end even till his last breath. 

" Esdeath... Ah. When will you look at me with that lustful gaze? I shouldn't worry about it now since my power has been restored. " She said to herself. " Sometimes you just have to cause an explosion to be noticed huh? " Kande placed a fist to her cheek while looking down. 

She dropped down breaking the ground under her with every step, and a cloud of smoke formed around her. She walked out of it to come face to face with the blood-thirsty General herself. " Esdeath... " Kanade called. " Kanade... " Esdeath called back with a cold gaze. " Shall we? " Kanade asked. 

Esdeath took her sword out of its sheath on her hip, Kanade following right after. 

" On 10. " Esdeath said. 

" Hm. Sure~ " 

The two women turned around and began to walk with every number, taking small steps. 

" 4... 5... " 

" 6! " Esdeath yelled out and quickly turned around. Kanade stood in front of her with her sword already pointing at Esdeath's throat. " No dirty play, we're supposed to turn on 10... remember? " She questioned. " Getting caught just makes it better, don't you think? " Esdeath said. She jumped on Kanade's blade and flipped forward cutting some hair off. 

" Extra points for humiliation? " Kanade questioned. 

" I'm just kidding, let me take you seriously Almighty General Esdeath " 

Kanade turned around quickly dashing forward, her sword clashing with Esdeath's. " Lieutenant Kanade, I thought you said you would never dare to raise your sword at me. " Esdeath teased. " Hah, that's right. The only reason why I am right now is because that brat is gone. " Kanade stated. " Oh? Tatsumi? " Esdeath asked. 

" Correct, you're smarter than you led on " 

" Enough flattery, " Esdeath said. 

" Hm, maybe I was wrong. Someone wise would've realized my intentions from the beginning. " Kanade stated. " Esdeath, have you ever wondered why I got involved in such battles, especially without my abilities? " She questioned. " Glory? Fame? Fortune, or maybe you just like a certain title. " Esdeath said. 

" Wrong. " 

Kanade turned her sword around and gripped the handle stabbing it into the ground. " Surrendering? " Esdeath questioned. " I want to be your number one... General. The only title I wanted was to be called yours, but since my power was locked away you never batted an eye at me. I thought I showed strength without my sacred weapon. " Kanade said. 

" But instead you... " She sighed. 

" What I'm saying is, I love-- uugh, ack. " She spat out blood and fell to her knees. She turned her head to her shoulder feeling the icy touch of Esdeath's fingertips, Kanade looked down to see an ice sword sticking out of her chest. " E-Esdeath... " She choked out. 

" This world is too cruel for your soft intentions. " Esdeath said while kneeling down then placed a kiss on Kanade's lips. Kanade reached up to the blue-haired woman's face but instead fell forward pushing the sword fully through her chest. The icy feeling of her lips began to slowly fade away along with Kanade's consciousness. 

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