Chapter 46: Persistence is key

Start from the beginning

"Besides, I come in peace. I'm here to make you breakfast and not to bother you at all." He said holding out a paper bag.

I sighed. A big part of me was glad he was here. The other part knew I was never falling out of love with him.

"Make yourself at home," I said gesturing for him to come in.

He smiled walking into the house.

I suddenly became conscious of my appearance; I was still in my pyjamas and my hair was a mess. I looked like I was the one who had just found out I had a secret brother.

I walked past him to the bathroom.

Wait, was I just doing this to impress him? No, I only wanted to look more appropriate.

About twenty minutes later, I returned all bathed and dressed up. I was shocked to see what was happening.

Maybe telling him to make himself at home was a mistake, after so long I should have known to be more careful with my word choice.

Alex had settled himself quite well, already at the stove with the aroma of the food filling the kitchen. But he was also shirtless.

He turned around staring at me looking for a reaction.

I had no idea how preparing breakfast required anyone to suddenly be half naked. Was he trying to tempt me? No, I had to show him that I was unaffected by this.

"I'm making some eggs," He announced. "Would you like to taste some," He called me over to the kitchen.

I nodded, trying to keep any from him would only prove how much I was affected by him.

He dished the eggs into the plate.

He placed the plate in front of me on the counter.

With both his hands on the side, he trapped me between the counter

This was too close for my comfort. All I had to do was turn around and I would be in direct contact with his abs and just a few inches from his lips.

He took a fork full of eggs from the plate, it was still steaming hot.

Over my shoulder, he blew over the eggs to cool them down.

I suddenly felt hot and cold all at once. I was too close to him, the logical side of me told me to run. But then again that would just show him that I was affected by his presence.

"Want to try some," He whispered over my shoulder.

I nodded. Anything to keep me from doing something stupid.

He gently lifted the fork to my lips.

And sure enough, it tasted just as great as he looked. Almost as good as his lips tasted.

"How is it?" He whispered, his breath fanning against my neck.

"It's great," I answered truthfully. But this time I had the right mind to step away from him, taking full advantage that his one hand was no longer holding onto the counter.

He reached out his hand and gently stroked my lips, wiping away the traces of eggs from my lips.

My whole body trembled under his touch.

Why was he doing this to me? Isn't it bad enough that he sent me that text message?

He stepped away smiling to himself. "You are cute," he said.

I realized that my cheek must have been flashing red from embarrassment.

I turned my face away from him.

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