but who gives a damn.

"i missed you..so fucking much hyeju, i was driving myself mad i even started working double shifts to get my mind away from you leaving" she said in one breath relieved to finally see her.

hyeju took her hand and sat them down at their table and admired the beauty sitting across from her.

"i missed you the same amount..i had to deal with yeojin's terrible advice.." she chuckled softly.

causing yerim to chuckle aswell. man is hyeju's laugh cute..

"you know im so obviously paying for this right?" hye said as she took a sip of her coffee..

"i mean i'm fine with that!" yerim said in a joking manor.

"just kidding.. i should pay for my own drink..don't worry about me hye"

hye shook her head "i offered this date so, its my responsibility to pay, don't worry it's not even that much money" she paused "unless your doubting i have any!" she gasped. "how dare you yerim.."

"no, no! i bet your a billionaire huh.." she smirked.

"if i was a billionaire i could have bought you out of that old junk of a hospital and brought you to me if i wanted.."

"again with old junk? i missed hearing you call it that,,not gonna lie.." she smiled.

"you seriously have got to stop working there~ come work for meeee"

yerim shot her a mischievous look.. "doesn't sound to bad to me, how much does the job pay?"

hyeju tapped her chin with her finger like she was thinking "200 kisses..and 400 cuddles?"

"looks like you've caught yourself a deal"


as the date was coming to an end hyeju was getting ready to ask something..but she wanted to do this somewhere private.

"how much longer until you have to be back at work?"

yerim checked the clock and looked somewhat satisfied "i don't have to be back until like 35 more minutes, that's still enough right!"

hye nodded and got up. "come with me..i'm going to take you somewhere else before you leave me"

hye left a 20 dollar bill on the table as the two of them left the shop.

"where do you plan on taking me? my car is still in the parking lot.." yerim said.

"don't worry we don't have to take any cars it's not so far from here anyway" hye said taking yerims hand.

the two of them we're walking together hand in hand..taking in the air, the moment. the moment they've both wanted forever.

until they made it to their destination.

they we're under a pretty pink cherry blossom tree, their we're a whole lot of them even lined up down a sidewalk.

"w-woah this is really pretty hye..i've never been down here before" she said looking up at the sight.

"yerim..i know you have a bit left before you go back to work, so i'm doing this right here and right now" she started.

"i want you to be my girlfriend, you. yerim all i want in my life is you. the way i fell in love with you sounds like something from a corny sitcom, but that's what i wanted..i want everything to do with you in everyway possible. so please be my girlfriend"

yerim looked like she was about to cry..but she gave the most obvious answer.

"of course i will hye!!"

hyeju cupped her face and pressed their noses together. making close eye contact as she watched yerim's tears fall. yerim looked nothing but beautiful in this moment..all she wanted right now was to kiss her.

and of course so she did.

there were some claps from people walking down the sidewalk and some cars passing by cheered.

it really did feel like a corny romance sitcom.

but it surely was a cute one.

the two pulled away gasping for air, the kiss felt like it had been going on for 20 minutes.

hye was the first to talk after taking in more of her beauty after the kiss.

"alright let's get you back to that junk..okay?" she said softly as yerim nodded

yerim hooked her arm with hyeju's and rested her head on her shoulder.

maybe holding hands and linking arms would be their thing.

end of my sweet nurse.

my sweet nurse | hyerimKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat