Mellohi 1.3

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Silence lost its meaning and became louder and louder. Tommy looked down at his feet, ignoring Tubbo's question.

Tubbo tried his best to not look upset, but he was holding back sobs. A snapping twig startled him. He turned around quickly, but nothing. He turned back to face Tommy. 

He wasn't there. 

In Tommy's place, a small pair of muddy footprints. Tubbo's face went dark, realizing it was a hallucination. He was going crazy. Collapsing in a heap on the mud, Tubbo shook his head, reminding himself that he could never have Tommy back, no matter how much he wanted to believe it. 

Strange and horror like thoughts entered Tubbo's mind, shaming him, laughing at him. The sun lowered in the sky, darkening the atmosphere. A small, unatural glow lit up his face. He convinced himself to look through the dirt, digging down to the light. 

A sparkly, blue fire-like light floated up from the ground, circling around him before rushing through the trees. Tubbo collected himself and sped after it, his curiousity leading him. 

The light stopped on the edge of a cliff. Overlooking the ruins of a place Tubbo once called home. 


The small light that had led him to this ancient place died out and withered away. The small slither of sunlight kept the darkness out. What was Tubbo meant to do? Stuck in a cycle of Deja Vu and memories he would hope he never forgets. 

He heard crunching footsteps behind him, again it was Tommy, with a grim look on his face and wet, teary cheeks. His shirt was dirty and torn. A small bloody scar decorated his arm. 


Tommy ingnored Tubbo's words, walking past him. He sat himself down on the edge of the cliff, sighing. He glanced at what was once l'manburg. He stood up, look directly through tubbo. 

''Tommy..Tommy NO!!'' Tubbo cried. 

Tommy ignored him, deaf to tubbos screams. 

He jumped. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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