errmm does they asthma??

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Warnings; descriptions of : pain, injury, bad language translations, swearing to Cheesus Fries!? (jesus christ) gasp!!

(gimme a break I'm only learning one of these, best of my knowledge the languages used in this fic are English(American) Cantonese(traditional Chinese?) Italian)



Tissues eyes opened quickly as they could and he shot up just as fast, getting him immediately light headed, he blinked, the only light in the room being the heart monitors and other medical equipment slightly illuminating the scene, though he didn't need lights to tell what was happening, They were struggling to breathe, coughing and inhaling harshly, their heart monitor beeping rapidly. he threw his blanket off him and quickly made his way over to Yin-Yang, crawling onto their bed and sitting them up straight, and positioning them up, giving them a proper way to breath tears fell down their face as they gasped in shaky but actual breaths, tissues took out a tissue and wiped their eyes.

"You... okay now...?" he said slowly and quietly. They didn't move much, nodding once then slowly looking down at their shaking hands, "Oh..! uh hold on-'' tissues slid of the bed and grabbed two pillows off of other beds and put them a top their other one, "Here.. now your air way wont be blocked...'' tissues smiled at them, trying to give them some comfort, it was unclear who was even paying attention.. Or even who was in control of the body, it was too dark to see their eyes, and they hadn't said a word the whole time, they just slowly while breathing deep, laid back onto the pillows being gently guided by tissues hand on there back and a hand on their chest, slowly sliding away away his hands. Putting them to the edge of the bed as he looked at them they were still slowly taking deep breaths.

"Did you guys... want your blanket on?" tissues asked quietly, looking over at them, one of their hands was squeezing the tissue he gave them tightly seemingly unable to rest the hand, but they were both shaking, Yin-Yang cleared their throat to talk.

"mhm.." they hummed, it sounded like Yang, but it was just slightly off, not only in how it sounded, but why would he say it like that, it seemed way to polite, but he wasn't going to argue, supposedly Yang wouldn't either, so tissues grabbed the blanket and put it over them,

"Comfy..?" he asked softly, again the voice hummed.

"Mhm.." it was strange to hear his voice being used so softly as it normally was loud and angry, though it wasn't like that now, tissues patted the bed in a sort of confirmation of their reply being heard and turned to go back to his bed, but he was stopped, the dormant hand grabbing his wrist before it could fully get out of reach, making him look back at Yang, he could just barely see his face, he was... scared, possibly of not being able to breathe again, tissues felt bad, and being pretty aware that this was probably just Yang.. It was strange.

"You..." he didn't get to finish as Yang nodded hastily, so tissues climbed onto the bed and sat at the space where their feet didn't reach, and Yang's grip on his wrist loosened till his hand returned to his side, and they sat there for a moment, in silence until of course tissues sneezed, though he had learned to grab a tissue in time, it was still random, Yang snickered slightly, solidifying who was controlling the body, as Yin wouldn't have laughed at him, he didn't mind all that much however, as long as he was feeling better.

After a while, both Yang and tissues were asleep, though the tissue was Somehow laying on their leg and was half way wrapped around it. And this was how they laid for hours, because of the pillows he never woke up again that night, unfortunately tissues would be rudely awakened again, this time by someone else.

He was violently grabbed and ripped away from Yang with rubber gloves, while Soap whisper screamed "what are you doing!? Are you trying to get them sick too??" tissues just looked at her in confusion for a moment before whispering sorry, as soap continued to berate him, not noticing that Yin-Yang had now woken up.

"I'd Rather Sleep Then Stay Awake" - yin-yangजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें