Chapter Twenty Eight

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Arriving back at school was both a relief and anxiety-inducing for Maimi. With her pink, bedazzled bag hanging over her shoulder, and her regular schoolbag hanging over the other, the girl dragged herself to the school doors. The weight of the bags was too much for her, after all, she'd been using the pink bag for her entire stay at Aizawa's, it was filled to the brim with junk she'd bought throughout her stay.

Now, it wasn't like she didn't have the choice to go home and chuck it in her room. Aizawa had offered to take her home just as he had with Shinsou before school, but the mere idea of having to go home left Maimi shaking in her boots.

Letting out a heavy breath, she attempted to readjust her slipping backpack but, the sound of nearing footsteps made her stop and turn around instead. Her eyes lit up, a grin immediately rising to her cheeks.

Standing in the middle of campus, with his shirt lazily buttoned and hair as messy as ever, Bakugo grinned at the girl before him. It felt like it had been so long since he last saw her, even though he knew otherwise. His heart beat so fast, that he wondered if it would escape his chest.  He longed to touch her again, but his nerves and the eyes of other potential students, kept him grounded.

"Always such a mess, aren't you." He said.

Maimi though was never quite as collected as him. Dropping her bags to the ground, her smile deepened as she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

His eyes shot open, his cheeks flushing a deep red as he contemplated what to do: hug her back and face the wrath of everyone who saw him or push the only person he didn't want to push, away.

Whispering into his neck, she said, "Don't worry, you don't have to hug me back. It's okay to be shy."

Feeling her breath on his neck, sent chills down his spine. And yet, his chest felt warm with how considerate she was of him. Maimi pulled away and picked up her bags again, Bakugo watched as she stumbled, the weight of the two being too much to maintain her balance.

"You're paying me back for this." He grumbled, before slinging the awfully bright pink, fake-diamond encrusted backpack off her shoulder and onto his.

She smiled and poked his cheek, "Awww, you know, you look good in pink."

"Yeah, yeah. Just take me to your locker so I can stop lugging this around."


By the time Math spun around, Aizawa was glad to see Maimi in higher spirits, especially after what he'd heard from her the day before. Though, he knew those spirits would soon be dampened yet again, as he readied his announcement.

"In two weeks from now, we'll be holding your written and practical final exams. They will involve everything you learned from the first semester, so study hard."

All the color drained from Maimi's face. She knew the practical test would be a breeze, but the written one? She was in for hell. She sighed and sunk into her chair, faintly listening to Aizawa dismiss the class for lunch.

The class began to disperse, everyone leaving to the cafeteria but, just as usual, Bakugo and Maimi stayed behind. Reaching over his desk, he pulled at the tips of Maimi's hair, nudging her to turn around.

Begrudgingly, she sat up and spun her chair around, using Bakugo's desk as their lunch table for the period.

"What's with the face?" He said, pulling out the two bento boxes his mom had made for the both of them.

"Don't tell Aizawa but, remember how I said I had gotten better at math, English, and uh, science?"

He raised an eyebrow and nodded for her to continue.

"Yeah. I don't wanna say I lied but..." She sighed, "I just don't get it."

Bakugo's eyes softened as he watched her sink into her chair. He saw how hard she worked. She tirelessly studied day in and day out. Always ready to pick herself back up and try again every time she failed or got something wrong, and she did it each time with a smile. It was one of the things he always admired about her. 

Sighing, he reached for her hand and squeezed it but he didn't dare look her in the eye as he knew his face would flush again if he did.

"I was gonna tutor Kirishima, but I'll make the space for you too, okay?" Remembering her anxiety from their call the day before, he continued, "How about you come to my place after school?"

She perked up, "Really? You'll help me?"

When he nodded, Maimi couldn't contain her relief. She scooted her chair over to him, a soft smile over his rosy lips. Her eyes flickered to the door, checking to see if anyone was around before she looked back to him.

Bakugo couldn't help himself from going red the moment she came closer to him. He hated how small he became when it came to the likes of her, but he equally longed for more of it. More of her. His heart raced as she leaned in, his eyes narrowing in on her face. He studied the way her eyelashes fluttered, peaking her doe-like brown eyes with the crooked smile and rose-dusted cheeks she always carried with her.

She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

Pulling away, she sat happily in her seat, unaware of how flustered she'd made him, "You make me feel happy, Bakugo."

He wasn't sure what to say. He just blinked at her. It was the first time he'd felt her lips and it was safe to say, it just wasn't enough for him. But the idea of actually making a move? That was enough to send him running, especially in school of all places.

It wasn't that he didn't want to do these things. Hell, he more than wanted it. But the decision felt too real to him. He had made the decision to focus on school and becoming the number 1 pro hero, he'd already risked it by even admitting he had feelings for her to himself and still choosing to hang around her. Actually pursuing it though? What would that mean for him and his potential career? Or worse, what if she rejected him?

Sure she always tried to touch him, and say flirtatious things to him, but this is Maimi we're talking about, who knows what she's thinking. And what if she didn't reject him? What if she did actually like him? He'd have to now handle an entire relationship, on top of becoming a pro hero! Or yet, what if the other students made fun of him for it? He always thought relationships were shit for extras to do, and now look where he is.

He more than anything wanted her, but he also needed this pro-hero career. He thought back to all the moments he had so eagerly fallen into Maimi's hold and cringed back to the night he had ran over to her.

Bakugo had to make a choice, but maybe, he didn't have to make it right now. He looked at Maimi, and how his heart swooned at her lovingly grin. He thought to himself, maybe he would never have to make the choice. Maybe, just maybe, he could have both.

With a groan, he leaned back, "It's bout' time you call me Katsuki."

Her eyes widened, excitement filling her chest, "Wow, really?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't wear it out."

She tapped her chin, humming out his name, "Mmmmm Katsuki. Ka-tsu-ki." With a grin, she turned to him, "It's so pretty. It fits you!"


"Maybe just keep calling me Bakugo."

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