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Quiet was an odd state for an Ork, a species that spent most of their time fighting or preparing to fight made the fact that Zagug sat quietly by himself a weird ritual. While most of his opponents would be spending this time having a good scrap or kicking some runt Gretchen around for a right popper laugh he sat an focused on what would maybe be the most important race in his life.

As a member of the Evil Sunz clan he had a reputation to uphold. His clan were known for their love of going fast, speed ran in his blood and the thrill he got from it was as good as any fight or any great WAAAAGH he could ever go on. This race was no ordinary race though. There has been an uprising recently and the previous leader of the Evil Sunz had been forcibly removed from his position in a typical Orky manor, this race would be the one to decide who would take their place.

Zagug had spent the last few weeks preparing as much as he could. He'd kicked his top Mek until he had agreed that strapping another engine onto the back of his buggy would make it go faster. After that he spend the next few days racing up and down the dust plains pushing his buggy further and further each time. One run down the plain pushed the second engine to explode in a great ball of fire. Zagug unshaded walked from his wreckage and went back and kicked his Mek again, blaming him for what had happened.

With all the kinks ironed out, (as much as is possible with Ork technology) he now sat and waited. In his mind going over everything he knew about going as fast as possible and everything he could do to ensure his victory. He considered how late he could leave it to break at every corner, how many hits he could dish out to his opponents to run them off the road. Suddenly a snivelling creature the size of a child came up to him and interrupted his thoughts.

"Boss, its time" screeched the creature. Zagug looked up and snarled at the Gretchen, instinctively it whimpered and flinched. Without a world he got up from his seat, a quick whip of the back of his hand sent the gretchen tumbling to the floor and Zagug headed out onto the Track.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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