Ch 2: Entrance Exam

Start from the beginning

With that the examinees headed towards the exam sites. They found out that they all have different test sites.

We see Subaru dressed in a black sleeveless shirt with black military pants. War-rock already went into his body so he could get ready. He was stretching himself to warm up.

Subaru: Ok I got to get a high enough amount of points to pass so focus on attacking the 3 pointers to get a good amount.

Once 2 minutes have passed the gates start to open so Subaru decided to point the rock buster towards the ground and fired sending him flying towards the gate passing through them and was shooting bots left and right by the time he got back on the ground he had about 20 points to his name.

Subaru: Sweet I think I got a good amount of points from that.

The other examinees were yelling saying that he needs to be disqualified but Present Mic yelled saying why are you guys standing around the exam already started. Once that was said they rushed in trying to get points before it ends.

Subaru was shooting robots left and right true to his plan he mainly focused on groups of three pointers helping others test takers out when they get in over their heads.

Subaru: That should be enough points to pass.

All of a sudden the ground started to shake, buildings collapsed and a shadow was over Subaru. When he looked back he saw the zero pointer in all it's glory.

Subaru: That is one big robot but it's the zero pointer so I shouldn't deal with it.

With that decided he started to get ready for a rocket shot when he heard somebody yelling for help.

Subaru: Damn it where's that coming from.

He sees a girl trapped under some rubble trying to get out see as she's about by crushed by the zero pointer. He teleports besides via the wave road and takes her about 20 feet from where they were.

Subaru: Damn it that the farthest I can go with somebody. *looking back to see the Zero pointer* Looks like I'll have to use a charge shot.

Subaru starts to gather EM energy in the Rock Buster. He does this until it's as big as a middle sized boulder and unleashes it. Once he does there's a big hole in the middle of the zero pointer and with the exams are over.

Subaru, Izuku, and Misora were walking out of the of the UA gates while talking on how their exams went.

Flashback Izuku's exam

We see Izuku in a green sleeveless shirt and green cargo pants to compliment the shirt.

Izuku: Now what should I use. Maybe use the Z-Chain for mobility and capture then hit them with the Z-Saber. Yeah that could work.

Izuku starts warm up, the Saber on his back ready to use. As the gates start to open he changes the Z-Saber to the Z-chain and flicks the chain towards a building and pulls himself towards the building and at the last minute changed the chain back into the saber. He started cutting up robots and once the gate open most of the main street robots were on the ground and unresponsive with Izuku in the middle of all of the robots with the Z-saber on his shoulder. To most of the participants he looked like a samurai the just finish slaughtering his enemies.

Izuku: From the looks of this I'd say I got about 30 points from that, nice.

Once everyone got over their shock they ran towards the city and start destroying robots. Izuku was collecting large amounts of robots together with the Z-Chain and then at high speeds cut them all up destroying them in the process. Izuku continued looking for more robots while helping the other participants if they needed it.

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