Chapter 30

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Cilan still had a lingering migrane. Feeling like a person replaying the action of bashing his head. The migrane continued to beat momentarily, hurting more and more every second.

Also having to deal with Ash and his servere injuries. Having his arms around his back, keeping him sercure until a hospital was found.

The little mouse worrying about his trainer as little sparks of electricity gave off on Ash. Also worrying about Cilan, having to pause in his steps, holding his head, worry Snivy, Luxio, Arie and obviously Pikachu.

Arie endeavored Cilan, convincing him to just allow Whimsicott carry Ash with his psychic, but everytime she asked, he was just slowly nod his head to the side.

Luxio tried to assist Cilan to just let him take a small break, but anything suggested he was just nod no.

Many suggestions where asked and given, but it seemed to Arie and the rest, nothings more important then getting Ash help as fast and soon as possible.

Arie did offer some Advil, a cure for any headache, but his response was still no, maybe taking there guess a little too serious.

It was difficult for Cilan to open his eyes, the sun beaming down on his eyes then bleed towards his headache, producing a much stronger headache then is now.

Arie observed that her relationship with Cilan may not be as strong as it is with him and Ash, but strong enough to see him in reality.

Cilan spoken to Arie that the first tome spotting Ash he got inner feelings, which is the one reason why he allowed Ash to have an option between him and his brothers.

Guessing by all the fangirls spotted walking into the gym. But what Arie means, she's pretty sure if Cilan was going against a Purrloin in the gym he most likely wouldn't show his huge fear.

But, since Arie herself owns a Purrloin, one look at her pokeball will get Cilan thinking otherwise staying in that perticular spot.
"Cilan you know you can't be walking around like this, having a headache and standing out in the light can make it worse," Arie worried.

"I'm done.. the one who needs help right now is Ash," Cilan responded.

"Pika pikachu...." Pikachu concerned, leaping on towards Cilan's backpack.

"I'm pretty sure they'll both be fine Pikachu. Besides, we're not that far away from Castelia City...." Luxio trailed.

"Ugh Minccino seriously, where do you see and tomato berries?" A voice murmured sounding like it was feet away.

"Stop everyone...!" Arie haulted.

"Smell? Minccino how does a tomato berry smell? Like water?" The voice spoken once more.

"Oh my gosh! It's my mom! Guys go hide!" Arie demanded, removing her bookbag sleeves off her arms.

"What? No we haveee to get to the hospital.." Cilan stuttered.

"No no! Ugh just wear these and you'll be able to open your eyes," Arie given, handing sunglasses over towards Cilan.

Cilan slowly got a hold of the glasses and slid them onwards.
Slowly opening his eyes what felt like having them closed for days. "Dear! You're- Really?" Arie's mom quoted in an attitude.

"Mom, you remember Ci-"

"I'm very familiar with him, why does he have sunglasses on, it isn't even that sunny outside.." Her mom spoken, yanking Cilan's sunglasses off.
"And these are your sunglasses??"
"Mom I gave those to him for reason! He has a killing migraine obviously!" Arie cried, pointing towards Cilan clutching his forehead.

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