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A few weeks late I was heading back from Work, As Much as I haunted the waiting job It was fun sometimes and We indeed the Money, Today was different A cute guy had left his number on the napkin, I wasn't really looking for anything I wanted to focus on the baby and help Kayla, we also had a performance coming up at college soon. Tonight I thought Fuck it and as I walked home I called the Number "Hello" I heard him say.

"Hey, It's Mika the waiter you left your number for at least I hope it was for me otherwise this is awkward" I laugh, I had never had a proper boyfriend, Kayla was still the only person I had sex with, Sure I had kissed guys (And Girls but that was gross) I just wanted to experience everything.

"Cute Curly haired waiter I hope" The guy responded

"I'm not sure about Cute But Curly haired yes," I said blushing slightly I wasn't used to compliments

"Oh Honey You are a cutie for sure" The guy repeated "I'm James"

"Mika," I told James

"Ohh Sexy name too," James said to which I laughed "So You working tomorrow," James asked me

"No, I have College till 4 If you wanna pick me up, I saw your keys as you left I know you have a car" Mika pointed out.

"Observant are we" James smirked "What college "

"Royal College of Music" I explained

"A singer too, god you couldn't be sexier" James laughed "I'll be there at 4" He said before hanging up Just as I arrived home.

"Somone looks happy" Kayla smiled, "I thought you hated work"

"I do, but the cute guy gave me his number, and We're going on a date tomorrow "

Kayla gave a small smirk "Should I leave"

I gave a small shrug I didn't really know what we had planned

"We'll probably go to his place don't worry look after yourself"

The day soon went by and I was strangely excited about this date, It was stupid it probably wasn't going to go anywhere, I didn't even know anything about him other than the food he liked.

"Hey," I smiled as I eventually found his car

"Hey Mika" James responded opening the door for me "So what were the plans "

"I thought maybe we could go see That Donnie Darko Film that Just came out, Then maybe dinner, and if your up for it we could go back to mine" I smiled nodding I felt so awkward, This was my first date being out but still I felt scared of being caught.

"It's okay you know," He said.

"I just haven't been out long I knew I was gay but my family are religious I was so scared that I was wrong and that they would reject me its just weird to feel okay being public with a guy"

"Did they reject you?" James asked as We started driving

"No, I mean My dad wasn't happy and my brother called me a fag but He's only 9 I don't think He really understands what it means he just heard it at school" I sigh explaining

"My parents kicked me out so Yeah I understand that, My aunt took me in she's amazing," James explained "I'm sorry" I said softly

"Shit Sucks, I have my fun, So singer boy what are you doing at the pretty school"

"I'm studying to be an Opera singer, It's not what I really want to do, I want to write my own Music But Opera is amazing too"

"Opera is nice, I went once" James shrugged

"Maybe I'll take you sometime" I smirked as we arrived at the cinema

The date went well, James Was a really sweet guy, where Exactly the date went you don't need to know.

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