chapter 7 - Only the Mad Are Sane

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Niko backed away in fear, realizing what was happening. "This isn't real."

"Isn't it?" Natasha asked. "This is your reality, Niko. Everything you love, you destroy."

Niko screamed in anger and fear. "No!"

Natasha lunged forward, grabbing Niko, throwing him and herself through the window as they fell into infinite darkness.

Niko's Nightmare Part 2

Niko was confused when he was pulled into another nightmare, with a wave of purple and orange energy erupting around his surroundings and pulling him into his own mind, as Niko was seemingly in a void of never ending darkness.

Mirage's voice spoke demonically in a snake voice. "Wow, Niko. I'm a little hurt that you wouldn't recognize me now."

Niko looked around in anger. "Where are you? Stop hiding, Andrei!"

"You could have just left things well enough alone," Mirage taunted. "Stayed powerless and not put you into our sights. Now you're making us do this."

Niko looked around as a flashing light went by all around, like an elevator going up between floors and lights shown fast through the windows, until Niko suddenly appeared in the Russian psionic program building.

Vecna appeared. "We can't have you interfering, Niko."

Niko turned around, thrusting his hand toward Vecna and Mirage, trying to use his powers, but as they were still in the process of being unlocked, instead of fire, it was more of a wave of orange energy that was released toward Vecna and Mirage, which didn't hurt them in the least.

"Shit," Niko said.

Niko saw Mirage appear behind him, ducking as Mirage lunged at him to try and bite him like a snake, instantly punching Mirage in the face.

He heard Will's voice, part of the nightmare to torment him. "Niko!"

Niko ran in the direction of the voice. "Will!"

Niko kicked down a door in front of him, which when it fell down, Niko nearly found himself falling off of a skyscraper tower, barely keeping himself from falling, his hands against either side of the doorway.

Will appeared on the ledge nearby. "Niko? What's happening?"

Niko shook his head, closing his eyes. "I know this isn't real."

Mirage appeared within his orange and purple energy behind Will, his snake tail wrapping around Will's throat. "Do you, though?"

Mirage dangled Will by his throat over the ledge.

Niko ran closer worriedly in horror. "Will!" Vecna stood behind Niko, launching out his tendrils to wrap around Niko's arms and legs to restrain him and keep him from stopping Mirage, making Niko fall to the ground. Mirage dropped Will, as Will screamed. Niko broke free and dove after Will to try to save him. "Will!"

Instead of falling several miles through the air, Niko very quickly hit solid ground, which was shiny and reflective like water, much to Niko's confusion as he started to stand.

"I don't think you know what's real, Niko," Mirage mocked.

Niko was suddenly yanked back through a blur of towns and cities, rushing images all around him, making him very dizzy.

When the rushing finally stopped, Niko was suddenly standing in the underground chamber where he and Hailey had to watch Natasha and Hopper "die" in the explosion, the exact memory/moment.

Worlds Colliding (Stranger Things) Book FourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora