chapter 1 - What Will I Unleash When I Break?

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Hawkins, Indiana

Flashback - September 8, 1979

Day - Street

It seemed to be an ordinary morning in the final year of the 70s in the small town of Hawkins. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, a newsboy was riding his bike down the road and throwing newspapers onto the porches of the houses he passed.

A woman named Sabina Ivanova stepped onto her porch to grab her newspaper before returning into her home.

Sabina's House - Kitchen

Sabina ate her breakfast, drank her coffee, went about her day like any normal woman in her 50s would do. 

Sabina's Room

Sabina finished getting ready for work, pulling on her jacket as she looked into the reflection in front of her, releasing a deep sigh. Though instead of wearing the regular female attire, she wore a suit tailored to her specifically.

Hawkins Lab - Hallway

Sabina walked into the lab. This was a time before Natasha, Nadia and Niko had moved to town, and before Dr. Brenner had become in charge of the lab.

Dr. Brenner was the second in command, looking toward Sabina, nodding. "Sabina."

"Martin," Sabina replied. "The children behaving their so-called 'Papa'?"

"Says the woman that raised them to call her 'mother'," Brenner replied.

Sabina shrugged, as the two walked toward the rainbow room.

Rainbow Room

The children of Hawkins lab, the psionic experiments, were gathered around the rainbow room.

Younger ones, in toddler years, were crawling and chasing after toy cars that drove along the rainbow lines and colors.

Older ones were practicing their powers on other toys, playing chess, or any amount of other games and activities there were in the rainbow room.

Sabina and Brenner walked into the room, splitting up to go train with two different children.

Sabina sat next to a Korean psionic. He was number 10 in the American psionic program. She looked at the 8 ball in his hand. "That's your favorite, isn't it? How are you feeling toady?"

Ten frowned. "Okay."

"Are you up for some more lessons?" Sabina asked.

Ten shook the 8 ball, showing the answer to Sabina; "Signs point to yes".

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